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It was the last week of Levi's trip, and he was enjoying the little time he got left to spend with his girl.

He had been learning a lot culturally. He watched Sabrina interact with her cousins, laughing passionately at what one of them said.

She could sense him watching as her lusty brown irises lifted to catch his stare. Completely unwavered, she returned him her trademark smirk.

She had brought him to one of her cousin's barbecues as a way for him to get the best out of being in London.

So far, this had been the best part of his time here. He was low-key shocked at how many black people he had either seen or interacted with. It made him instantly feel at ease with being here.

Someone handing him a shot of rum interrupted his thoughts. He saw it was Omar.

Levi took the shot, feeling the strong liquid burn his throat a little, almost choking him.

" This shit is strong as fuck!" Levi felt the burning after-effect of the rum.

" It burn a nigga throat a little but the shit is good tho" Omar winced a little.

Levi wasn't accustomed to rum, but after this first taste, he was sure he could get used to it in time.

The sound of Afrobeats permeated the air, people dancing rhythmically with each other. He could really see himself being here, which was strange for him.

Atlanta was all he knew. The thought of moving anywhere did make him a little nervous, but being here made him think about it more in-depth.

All he really had were his friends and a few cousins in Atlanta that he could rely on, but other than that, due to his parent's upbringing, he wasn't as close to his extended family as he should be.

The one person who pushed themself to be around him was Aunt Erica, she had been a real light in his life.

She wasn't anything like her brother, Levi's father, or the rest of the family as a matter of fact.

Always one to go against the status quo, she preferred to do her own thing and never cared for people pleasing or fitting in.

Being here reminded him of the one time his parents let him stay with her for the weekend.


The door opened as 13-year-old Levi stood nervously alone, his parents didn't even wait with him.

Honestly, it was typical for them since they only really cared about climbing the social ladder.

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