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The long-distance was taking its toll on Levi despite the consistency of their video calls and the many activities Sabrina insisted that they do virtually. He missed the sweetness of her skin, the softness of her hugs, and most importantly, the passion of her kisses.

He could almost taste it like she was right here, giving him some right now. How he managed to get through not seeing her every day was honestly a miracle, he tried to get some 'me' time but it wasn't the same as being in the throes of pure ecstasy with her.

He finished the last of his task ahead of his business trip today which just happened to be in London. She had no idea he was coming and he was hoping to keep it that way because he just wanted to surprise her properly.

" Hanna, make sure all my files are organized and tell any remaining clients that I will get back to them when I return from my business trip" He instructed, handing the files.

" Yes sir" she responded

" Also, another thing, when we get back, I want to discuss your salary package, you've been outperforming these past few months and I think that your salary should be matching that, ok?" He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

" Yes, sir" she smiled meekly.

" I'm off, remember to finish at 5, no later than that."

" Yes, sir. Enjoy your trip" She waved him off

He left the office in no time, reaching the airport with an hour to spare. He checked in his bags and browsed the duty-free area after going through security. He noticed something that Sabrina might like and within the next few minutes, he was out of the shop, making his way to the gate with his gift in tow.

Finally seated in first class by the window, he looked out to the sky as the plane took off. This client was one of the firm's oldest and he was ecstatic that he was trusted to work with him, it was a big deal for him.

In less than 10 hours and in a different timezone, he was finally situated in a boutique hotel in South London. He was able to overlook the city with some incredible views from the balcony, he had to admit London at night didn't seem too different from Atlanta at night.

It wasn't his first time in the UK, other than his visit with his boys, he had been there a couple of times with Milgram when he first started.

He finally got into bed after a short shower to refresh himself. He wanted to get in one call with his baby before the tiredness could get to him.

" Hey beautiful, what are you up to?" he yawned

" Nothing much, my love. Just clearing out my wardrobe, your room looks different. Are you somewhere else?" He could see her organizing her clothes, sneaking a peek at how round her ass got when she bent over. What a sight to see.

" On a business trip but where I really wanna be is with you, in you, near you, any of those would be fine," He noticed her hearty laugh and joined in.

" You are a perpetual slut, you know that right? Always horny."

" You love it, baby. Especially when I'm all up in that sweet thing between your luscious thighs, God is real" He faked crying causing her to crack up again.

" Only you would say that. Anyway, have you spoken to your parents about your decision?" She continued to fold her clothes.

" Nahhh, what I said that night is what I meant. They have been trying to hit me up with unknown numbers but I be blocking the fuck outta them. I feel so free " He lay on his side.

" I hear you, do what's best for you. I'm going to love you and leave you because you are clearly tired" She blew him a kiss and he blew her one back.

" I love you, baby"

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