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Levi didn't know why he decided to follow this fool, Marcus to London but alas here he was in this crowded venue where some VIP party was happening.

He couldn't help but notice the wicked grin plastered on Marcus' face as they moved towards a reserved section.

"Ay yo, who invited you again?" Levi questioned.

" Y'all gone see soon enough" Marcus rubbed his hands together whilst licking his lips.

Levi and Omar looked at each other before shaking their heads and laughing, Marcus simply waved them off.

Soon, there was a little commotion as Marcus got up, greeting a mystery woman that was completely blocked from Levi's view.

It was until they kissed that he noticed who it was, Sabrina's quiet friend.

" Y'all remember Azani, right? She got us the invite, isn't that right, baby?" Marcus nuzzled his face on her neck making her giggle.

" Yes, I did. Hope you guys enjoy!" Azani sat next to Marcus, cuddling up to him. Omar seemed unbothered by everything, continuing to bob his head to the bassy rap music and texting his girlfriend.

Levi got up, surveying the venue from the balcony in the section. He knew that she just had to be here if her friend was.

He locked into her dancing away with other friends, coils bouncing along with her body. He took the opportunity to go where she was, intending to confront her.

He walked through the crowd with a commanding gait that made people instantly move aside as he continued his pursuit.

He got right behind her, watching her dance her body away. He couldn't lie, he was enjoying her entertaining him.

She was so oblivious to his presence, backing right into his arms. He felt her body instinctively flinch but kept his grip tight.

" We need to talk" he whispered in her ear as they swayed together. He knew that she might come up with an excuse when she remained silent.

She swivelled in his arms, laying her pretty manicured hands on his chest.

" I'm not sure if we have much to talk about. We just-"

He caught her off guard by chuckling darkly and pulled her by her wrist out of the venue.

He ordered a ride quickly, putting her in and sitting next to her when it came. She had been complaining nonstop that no man has ever dragged her like that but he didn't care about all of that.

" I can't believe that you just did that! Who do you think you are to pull me out that way?! You actually pissed me off so much, you stupid prick! You better have a good explanation when we get to wherever it is that you are dragging me to" She shouted, folding her arms in anger.

He side-eyed her, watching her mumbling under her breath about how much she hated him but he knew that when they got to his room, she wouldn't have any smoke for him.

They finally approached a small luxury hotel in Central London, going straight to his room.

He sat down, watching her pace the living room in her bare feet and still complaining.

" ....I can't believe you just did that. Explain yourself now!" she angrily pointed at him.

He stood over her, towering over her stature but he knew that she wasn't intimidated by that.

He grabbed her hand gently, looking into her eyes deeply.

" Why did you run?"

" You wouldn't understand, ok" She looked away from his intense gaze.

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