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As he turned the key to his apartment, he was surprised by who was there and not in a good way.

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing here? How did you even get in?" Levi looked at the two domineering figures incredulously. He figured since he was an adult, some boundaries would at least be respected, but that was clearly too much for them, and they didn't even seem to care anyway.

"Emergency key, son. Now, you can tell your little lady friend that she isn't welcome at the moment. Important things must be discussed within the realms of this family, " His mother declared, merely looking at the bewildered Sabrina up and down.

"She is my woman. She ain't going nowhere." Levi vocalised, holding Sabrina's hand even tighter.

"Fine, have it your way. I'm retiring from Malcolm & Sons and I've warmed up my seat for you at the board, so you have to take it" His father demanded, leaning his hand on the couch with a stern look.

"Why would I do that?"

" Because the Jones family name is on the line here, your cousins have rejected it, and I will be damned if my son does too."

" Mom, you agree with this?"

" Son, this is crucial for your father's chances to become a senator. You on the board is a sign of good faith and sustaining your father's legacy at one of the city's biggest firms and potential sponsor for your father's campaign. "

Levi couldn't believe this. They just didn't understand that when he gave up college to work under Millgram, that was the last time he would just do something for them because they demanded him to. He had carved out a life for himself, and while he never wanted to disappoint them, he wanted to be happy, and they didn't want that for him.

This was the first time in 5 years they had come to see him. He always made an effort to go to the family home and check on them, but they were barely there. He didn't want to live his life this way. There was no connection or familial bond for him to lean on.

" So you came here after what has been 5 years, just to demand something from me to ensure whatever you are doing is protected. Sacrificing again and getting nothing in return" Levi rebuffed.

" It's for the good of this family. What's so hard to understand?" His father strolled up to him, going toe to toe with him.

" This is no family, it's never been one. Y'all only together because it benefits each other's pockets. And me? Just collateral damage, some proof that y'all are in a union." Levi walked off not before being dragged back by his father.

"Listen, here boy-"

"No, you listen. This is my HOME! You ain't gonna come in here and disrespect me with your demands. Your favourite nephew is right there to take up your seat" Levi clenched his jaw, his whole body was hot in frustration.

Silence came soon enough as the two men stared each other off.

" Levi, I can go. This seems important, " Sabrina whispered.

" Please do, we don't want some whore in this personal conversation" His mother uttered.

" Excuse me?? I don't know who you think you're talking to but let me get one thing straight: I'm not whore. " Sabrina corrected her.

" Mom, you need to stop talking to her like that. Do you guys even know it's my birthday today?"

" Yes, that's why we came down here to tell this. This was like a present or something" His mother waved her hand around obnoxiously.

" I turn 25 and that's all you have to say to me? I see. Imma need y'all to get out, I want to just chill with my lady and this thing you brought is pissing me off"

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