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Hello everyone! This is my second time writing a story on Wattpad and I am super excited. It's extremely different compared to what I wrote the first time. Hopefully it's a better outcome. I would love to know what you guys think. Also, I will try to post at least one to two chapters a week. College can be a little crazy sometimes so bare with me. Enjoy!

Also at the top is a picture of Beatrice.


I stand in front of my full length mirror running a hand continuously over my navy blue floral dress. I stand here and stare. Stare at the blonde hair, blue-eyed girl who is looking back at me in the mirror trying to figure out who I am. The same as I've been doing for the past couple of years. Trying to figure out where I fit in in this world.

Ever since my first day as a freshmen in high school, I only blended in. I never bothered to stand out or fit in with the popular crowd, the jocks, the normal, no one because of the possible consequences I can face if I tried. The kids here can be cruel and the popular crowd will quickly tell you where you belong if you stepped out of line.

But things will be different from now on because today will be the last time I ever attend high school.

"Beatrice you need to hurry up or you're going to be late." My step mother yells at me from downstairs.

"I'm coming." I yell back. I look myself over for a few more seconds before turning away. I unhook my cap and gown from my closet door and exit the room. As I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see my father sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the morning paper.

I pick up an apple out of the fruit bowl. "Good morning daddy."

"Good morning Beatrice." He puts down the paper he was reading and drinks more coffee. "Are you ready for your big day?" He smiles.

I laugh. "I've been ready for a long time now."

My step mother walks into the kitchen at that exact moment. "Beatrice. You actually look nice for once in your life." She smirks and I want to do nothing more than to smack it off of her face.

I look to my father and he just turns his head. Of course he's not going to defend me. He never does. No matter how many harsh things my step mother say to me, he will never do anything about it. She will always come first. She's the reason why we're not so close. And honestly I doubt he even cares.

I throw the half-eaten apple in the garbage and pick up my cap and gown. "I'll be in the car."

I don't wait to hear a response. I open the back door, lay my gown across the seat and step inside. Wiping that traitorous tear off my face, I will not let myself cry. After this summer, I no longer have to take any verbal abuse from her or anyone else in this town.

I wanted to start college in the summer but my dad wasn't having it. He wants to spend the summer in Hawaii. I don't know why. He's going to be busy working all the time anyway. We've never taken any summer trips before. It was always work, work, and more work. But deep down inside I think it's because he knows once I'm gone, I'm never coming back.

Just minutes later, my parents enter the car. My dad looks at me through the rearview mirror. I shake my head and look out the window. I hear him sigh and he cranks up the car. I lean my head against the window as the car starts moving.

The school was crowded with people once we arrived. I see my best friend Amelia and my mood immediately changes. I hop out of the car and jog over to her.

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