Chapter Ten

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Hey so I'm adding three chapters today guys. Enjoy :)


"You ready for this?" Akoni, the guy who works at Harry's café, ask me. I finally learned his name tonight.

"I'm ready." I laugh.

At this moment, I am standing in Jade's kitchen with ten shots in front of me. I told Akoni that I can out drink him. Believe me when I say, I am so regretting this and I haven't even started yet. This is also his way of showing me a good time in Hawaii. Yeah okay.

Jade rubs my shoulders as I jump up and down getting myself prepared for this. Ten shots of Fireball. I can feel the burn already in my chest.

I drum on the counter. "Okay I'm ready."

"You have to finish all ten." He says. "Who's timing?"

"I am." Emily says. "Akoni are you ready?" She asks pointing at him.

"I'm ready." He huffs and beats on his chest like a caveman.

"Trice are you ready?" She asks pointing at me.

"I'm ready." I roll my neck and get in stance.

"Go." She yells.

I quickly chug down the first drink. I just kept drinking. I knew if I stopped I would feel the burn and the last thing I want to feel is the burn with so many more shots to go. Some of my seventh shot when in my nose. It burned so bad, but I have to deal with that later.

Akoni and I pick up our last drink, clink our glasses together and take it to the head. Everyone in the kitchen starts cheering. My chest was burning so bad but I was so surprised that I did it.

Akoni comes around the counter and hugs me. "Let's hear it for Trice." He holds my arm up and everyone starts cheering again.

"Thank you. Thank you." I laugh.

"What was the time?" Akoni asks Emily.

She looks at her phone. "Twenty-three seconds."

He looks at me. "We have to beat that next time."

"Oh we will." I laugh. "Alright people grab your drinks and let's go dance."


"Oh yeah."

Most of the crowd heads to the living room where the music was. I turn up the volume a little bit. The living room is pitch black except for the light coming from the kitchen. But even with that, it's still dark. I see Jade and Emily laughing about something. I walk over towards them.

"Girls you can talk later." I say as I start pulling them to the center of the living room. "Right now, we dance."

Emily laughs and starts swaying her hips. I let my body go and move to the music. At this point, I feel like I'm having an out of body experience. That should be expected when you drink. You get to that certain point when you are completely aware of what's going on but yet you have little to no control over it at the same time.

Akoni comes over and join our mini circle. He starts doing this weird dance with his hands and I crack up laughing. Tonight was the first time I actually really got to talk to Akoni and he is a fun person to talk to and hang out with. He is such a goofball but I enjoy it.

I excuse myself and use the bathroom. Once I'm done there, I walk to the kitchen and make me a drink. I look towards what is now the dancefloor, and see Jade with her ex. I smirk and walk their way. I know she's about to get pissed but I do not care.

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