Chapter Four

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Here is a picture of Jade. I hope you all enjoy :)


I sip on my ice cold lemonade outside of a small local restaurant. I flip thru a brochure as I try and figure out what exactly there is to do today. My father gave himself to me yesterday, I let Miriam have him today.

I don't want her to hate me anymore than she already does. For my father's sake of course. I honestly don't care anymore.

"Is there anything else I can get you ma'am?" The waitress asks.

I look up from the brochure. "Yes. Can I have refill please? Oh can I have the Caesar salad as well?"

"Sure thing." She replies.

"I'll have the same thing please." A voice that always makes me shiver says. I quickly look behind me and there she was. Standing there in rip blue jean shorts and a white bikini top. I turn my head back around before she can catch me staring.

"Yeah sure." The waitress says. "I'll be back with your drinks."

"You mind if I sit here?" She asks. I nod my head and she takes the vacant seat. "Do I at least get some kind of eye contact?"

I close the brochure and place it on the table. "What do you want from me Jade?"

"Well you can start by telling me what I did." The waitress place our drinks on the table. "I doubt it's much since I barely know you."

"You're right, I barely know you. But yet here you are trying to figure out what it is you did wrong." Why do I always manage to run into this girl? I just wanted a nice peaceful "Me" day.

"Because I want to know." Of course you do.

"What makes you think you did something wrong anyway? And why do you even care?" I hiss.

"I think you know the answer to that. But I'm not going to admit to that just yet."

Wait what? The waitress places our salads on the table. "Anything else I can get you ladies?"

"No. That would be all. Thanks." Jade says to the waitress, but her eyes never leave mine.

The waitress leaves. I finally break eye contact with Jade and pick up my fork. The last thing I want to do is argue with her. I hardly know her. She hasn't done anything wrong.

We sit there, drinking our tea and eating our food in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. More of an "I don't know what else to say" type of silence.

"My name is Beatrice Gonzalez and I am obsessed with photography." I say making Jade pause with her fork in midair. "I love to write and travel. I enjoy different types of music. I just recently graduated High school. In the fall, I will be starting college."

Jade said she didn't know anything about me. That is true. And I don't know anything about her. So how can I understand my feelings if I'm just pushing them away. She is definitely someone that I would like to get to know.

"Okay." She puts the fork down and sits up in her seat. "My name is Jade Alvarez. I moved here when I was a little girl. Both my father and mother works a lot. I hardly ever see them. I graduated high school a year ago. And as a graduation gift, my mother and father bought me my own house."

My mouth drops open. She has her own house. What the hell type of parents buy their kids a house after graduation. Wait a minute. "What about college?"

"I'll go someday." She sighs. "I just can't bring myself to leave this place just yet. This is my home."

"I wish I can say I know what that feels like but I don't."

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