Blue Eyed Man

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Warnings: musty men, lovely use of 40s slang
Word count: 946

Time at this moment couldn't be any worse. The world was at its second world war and you just wanted to drink your troubles away. It was your day off so you weren't wearing your usual attire, your Colonel uniform, instead you wore a simple green dress.

You only had half a drink when a man came up to you, obviously having one to many drinks, he was dressed in a military uniform but his tie wasn't tucked in, his hat was crooked, and his uniform was unbuttoned. "What's a broad like you doin' here alone on a Saturday" he slured spitting a little in your face.

You wiped under your eye where his spit flew, "Nothing," You paused as you raised your glass to him. "I came for the sauce" you gave him a quick obviously fake smile. Then went back to sipping your drink.

He smirked at you, looked you up and down and said, "Your a real cookie you know that right?" You rolled your eyes ignoring him. "Come on baby doll we could try kissin and if you like that, and I know you will, we could-" you rotate to face him as you cut him off, " I think you have to much of a buzz 'baby doll'"

He opened his mouth to say something but you continued "that or you belong in the bug house" his smile dropped immediately, and you heard a chuckle in the corner of the bar, you looked over to see a dark haired man with stunning blue eyes. You thought he was looking at the group of men singing there hearts out and drinking beer, like a lot of it, you had no idea where they were putting it.

But you relised he was starring at you. You brought the drink to your lips while you looked into his eyes. The man, who you had momentarily forgot about, caught your attention when he put his hand on your thigh, pushing up your dress a bit. "What are you chicken?" he raises an eyebrow as he downed another drink.

You slaped his hand and he drew it away. "listen Cromedome, you must be a real fat head if you think you can just touch me like that" you spat, your voice laced with venom. Not taking the hint he continued "Come on sweetheart, I'll pay ya, how much are you worth?" You rolled your eyes and responded, "I doesn't matter 'how much I am" especially since you probably wouldn't pay me shit" His eyes widened "whoa baby doll you got a filthy mouth" you leaned into your face, you could smell the alcohol when he was sitting up right but know it was overwhelming "I like that, and besides I could be your sugar daddy." He smirked as he leaned back.

You let out the breath you were holding. "Don't call me baby doll, I'll give you a knuckle sandwich" he let out a loud laugh which caught the attention of multiple people. "Your just a woman what could you do" he spoke letting out laughter in between. You saw a few soldiers eyes widen, and heard a few others gasp.

"Your whistlin' dixie you know, now quit ragging me." You said as you took another look around, the blue eyed man looked like he was about to kill this guy and you didn't blame him you were wanting to aswell. You faced your drink again and the man roughly grabbed your face, in the back you heard a bar stool move. The man started leaning in, "playing hard to get huh?"  He puckered his lips and thats when you punch him square in the nose. He lost his balance and fell of the stool.

The whole bar went silent, as he laid on the ground. You could hear some murmurs about him being a soldier and you gave a glare across the room as you stood up over him. You flattend your dress "Now I suggest that you get out of here, soldier, because I am Colonel Y/n Y/l/n of the U.S military which means I have authority over YOU."  You paused for a minute about to continue but he interrupted you.

"Yea whatever you say sweetheart, but I can see perfectly up your skirt." He smirked moving his head to the left, you were so shocked at how disrespectful he was being you just stood there for a minute. Then someone put there hands on your hips and moved you away from him. It was the blue eyed man, you just watched as he basically stomped on the guys in the face. The man was now passed out on the bar floor.

He turned to you concern found all within his eyes, "hey are you ok?" You smiled at him and nodded. "That's good, my name is Bucky by the way" he stuck out his hand. You gladly took it "bucky?" You questioned, he chuckled "Its a nickname, my actual name is James" you smiled even more, "Mine is-" he finished your sentence for you "Y/n, yea you said it pretty loud back there" you gave a fake pout to him. "I had to get my point across" you mumbled.

"Hey could I take you out sometime, you don't have to say yes wouldn't want to end up like him" He laughed pointing over his shoulder. You pretended to think for a moment Bucky's smile kinda fading, "yea, I'd like that" you said, "but right now I could use a drink" he smiled and extended his arm to you. You gladly took it as you both walked back to the bar.

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