Jealously grudge

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Warnings: no smut but like sexual themes
Word count: 753

A huff escaped past Bucky's lips, but you didn't notice. You were too busy with him. There was a new man in your life, and Bucky did not like it one bi. He watched as he laid on your chest, having complete control over your attention. He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest, "What's wrong, baby?" Bucky looked over at you about to respond when he realized that you weren't speaking to him. He rolled his eyes and focused on the TV.

You were laying on the couch with your legs draped across Bucky's lap, not to mention the new cat you had just rescued laying on your chest while you scratched his ears. Your eyes looked past the cat you called Freddie Meow-cury, Fred for short, and saw your boyfriend pouting like a toddler. You chuckled at him, and it startled fred, causing him to run down the hall of your apartment, Bucky didn't notice.

Bucky had been zoned out for the past 10 minutes, not really thinking about anything in particular - except wanting to cuddle with you. You sat up and ran your hand up and down his bicep, studying his feature. When he didn't respond, you called out his name. A moment went by with no answer. It was your turn to roll your eyes, but then a smirk came to your lips as a thought came to your head.

You moved your legs to position yourself so you could straddle his waist - still nothing - bro was gone and off in his own world. It was like his gaze went through you, but you couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes were currently a blush gray. His t-shirt was tight and showed of the toned biceps and pectorals of your hot boyfriend. And don't even mention the way his jeans stretched against his thighs.

Your hands moved to his shoulders as you slowly started to move your hips against his. You bit your lip in pleasure watching Bucky. His eyes quickly snaped to your face, and his hands to your waist, making you still. It was silent for a few moments as Bucky stared into your soul before you spoke up, "What's wrong, my love?" He only grumbled in response. You decided that that wasn't a good enough answer and decided to move your hips again.

"Fuck doll~" His head pressed into the back of the mattress with his eyes squeezed close, "Please- don't stop." A smirk took over your features, "Then tell me what's wrong." Your hips paused and Bucky let out a small whimper, you tried your hardest to not just give in. A worried look washed over your face as Bucky opened his eyes to look at you.

In a voice barely above a whisper, he mumbled, "I'm jealous, and have a grudge." You paused for a moment pondering what he could be jealous about, no one had flirted with you today and you had been with him this whole time. And the grudge part? Who could he have a grudge against at this moment?

"About who?" He huffed and looked at you, "It's stupid, just forget about it." You pressed kisses all over is face, "Come on, you can tell me anything." He looked away for a second the moved back to your eyes, "Alright, it's 'Freddie Meow-cury', happy?"

You pressed your lips into a thin line, trying to stiffle a laugh, "wait so your gonna tell me that Bucky Barnes has a grudge against a cat? Please tell me why."
He shot you a glare as your giggles started slipping past your lips, "I want cuddles, but 'Fred' takes up to much of your time." This time your laugh was very audible as you threw your head back, Bucky tried not to smile at you while speaking, "Your mean." This made you laugh more.

Once you calmed yourself you grabbed Bucky's face, "Your still my favorite don't worry." You pressed a gentle kiss to his lips as he continued to hold on to your waist, "I love you doll." He cooed against your lips, "I love you to James." The two of you pulled away and you saw a smirk play on his face, you raised an eyebrow at him in question, "what?"

"Now, we're going to finish what you started earlier." He pulled you in for a passionate, hungry kiss. That's when you knew you were in for a long night.

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