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I'm currently writing this while my cat named bucky is laying on my neck so it gave me this idea.

I wroth this 2 months ago so it may or may not be un edited

Word count: 871


Bucky had been gone on a mission for 6 months, to say the least you might have missed your best friend. So there you were, sprawled out on the couch watching your favorite TV show. Your hair was a mess and you were sitting Bucky's shirt and starwars pajama bottoms.

Steve walked in from the elevator holding a box. "Hey" he said as he smiled at you, setting down the box on the kitchen island. You furrowed your brows trying to see what was in the box without moving from your comfortable position, "Hello?" You replied in a confused tone.

Steve started walking over to you with something behind his back, "I've noticed you've been a little lonely since Bucky left so, I got you this" he beamed as he pulled a small grey kitten from behind his back. Your eyes lit up as you quickly sat up to grab the cat. Steve winced at the sound of your back popping loudly as he handed you it. The kitten had the grumpiest look on its face, so immediately you hugged it, "It's name is Bucky" Steve let out a pretty loud laugh as he watched you lay back down on the couch cuddling Bucky. You smiled at Steve, "Thank you Stevie" you yelled while he walked to the elevator.

It had been 2 weeks since you got little Bucky, and that cat would not leave your side. At the moment he was perch on your shoulder while you cooked food for the rest of the avengers, giving you zero space and meowing, to be honest it reminded you of actual Bucky when he would hover around you. As if right on que Bucky walked into the main living area, which you could see from the kitchen. He said something to Steve then spotted you. On his way over he kicked of his boots and slid on the floor with his socks, wrapping you in a hug, arms going across your waist.

You put your arms around his shoulders. He burrowed his head into your neck but pulled away when he heard a meow, furrowing his brows. His face immediately lit up when he saw the cat.  He put his right hand up to the kitten's head while his left stayed on your waist.

"What's its name?" He said happily, drawing his attention from the cat to you. You hid your face in Bucky's chest "His is name is Bucky" you mumbled barely audible. "Y/n, did you name the cat after me?" You could basically hear the smirk in his voice. You looked up at him and nodded, you were right about the smirk. You then relised, Bucky didn't call you doll, he always called you doll. But that's when a blond walked in, Bucky took his hand off your waist, and went to kiss the woman. He turned to you and smiled, "Y/n/n, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Brianna"

She stared at you then spoke holding back a laugh, "Your name is Y/n/n?" Before you could insult her Bucky spoke instead, "Well technically her name is Y/n but we all call her Y/n/n" Brianna hummed and looked you up and down, you were wearing your Jack Skellington onesie, she scrunched up her nose but quickly got rid of it. She then walked over to you.

Brianna extended her hand to you giving you a fake smile. Bucky arched his back upward and hissed at her swiping his paw in her direction. She stumbled back but you caught her with your powers, mentally cursing at yourself for doing so. She then started sneezing and cursed something along the lines of 'fucking cat' under her breath.

"You ok doll?" Bucky said as he came up behind her, kissing her neck. You turned around rolling your eyes, while you zoned them out. Sadly it didn't last long and all you could hear was the flirting between both of them, wishing that you were in her place. You turned to see them walking to the living room as all the others were completely fascinated with her, she told obviously fake stories,  but they ate it up like candy.

"Dinners done" you said turning around, not shouting, but not saying it quietly while you held a stack of plates . Laughter filled the room as Brianna made a joke. You sighed, "Diner is done" you said louder, no one. You gripped the plates a little tighter, "Hey Y/n, did you hear that Brianna saved a child last week" to be honest you couldn't care less, you saved people everyday, it was your job. Your eye twitched a little and the stack of plates shattered in your grip, cutting your hands. The cat jumped of your shoulder to the kitchen island.

Everyone's attention was now on you. You wiped the corner of your mouth, leaving a small smear of blood, and smiled sweetly. "For the 3rd time dinner is done."  speaking calmly. You then brushed the rest of the glass shards from your hands, grabbed the first aid kit, and walked out of the kitchen to your room as Bucky jumped to his place on your shoulder.

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