The oscars

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Word count: 534

As you sat in the audience with Sebastian, you best friend since 17, you waited impatiently for the results.

When you were 13 you had won your first Oscar. You became, one, the youngest person to get this award, and two, pretty famous. Your second Oscar was when you were 24. Although you had been nominated for many more and this was nothing new for you, you still felt extremely nervous for your plan.

Sebastian put his hand on your knee, "y/n/n, quit bouncing your leg, its shaking the table" he chuckled. You shot him a playful glare. Sebastian had been there for you since you had met he went to every premiere, award ceremony, and even senior prom.

Then the announcer started talking, making jokes and entertaining the crowd. After perfect wrap up he transitioned into the nominees for best actress. You were zoned out until, "....and last but definitely not least Y/n Y/l/n"

Sebastian grabed your hand, you felt your face get warm a little and looked at him, he smiled sweetly at you and you have him a nervous smile back. You looked into his beautiful blue eyes, getting lost in them. You snapped out of your daze when you heard the anouncer say, "And the Oscar goes to..." The suspense was killing you. You started to breathe a little heavier, and you squeezed Sebastian's hand, your leg starting to bounce again.

"...Y/N Y/L/N" Everything felt like it had stopped. Sebastian hugged you tightly  when you stood. Everyone was clapping, exept for a few of the other nominees. As you pulled away from the hug you drew his head down pressing your lips to his. Sebastian was shocked to say the least but almost immediately kissed back. His arms went around your waist and spun you around only breaking the kiss when he set you back on your feet.

"Go get your award sweetheart, I'll be here." You smiled as you went on stage. The anoucer gave you a TV smile as he handed you the small gold statue. You gave your speech thanking everyone and making a few jokes along the way.

You paused for a moment locking eyes with sebastian. Looking away as you continued " I would like to give a special thanks to my best friend Sebastian Stan, he has always been there for me and helped me so much, and I love and care about him so much." You chuckle "And not to mention he is hot as fu- anyways that wraps up all I was gonna say" Laughs emitted from the audience while you stood there awkwardly. You did a little wave and you said your last thank you and walked back stage being met with paparazzi.

You found Sebastian again at the after party. He gave you a passionate kiss, pulling away when there was a flash from a camera. He turned back to you and smiled "You know I've loved you since we were 17" it was your turn to smile "Yeah?" You asked. "Yeah" he said quietly "Good because me too" you smiled even wider and pulled his head down to meet yours once again.

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