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Warnings: mentions of almost rape, nothing actually happens, also unedited so my bad
Word count: 1776

God, you hated him. Sure your life was being threatened but Jesus can a girl get a second alone- the answer was no. He wasn't even fun, he was grumpy and a prude. He didn't smile and he literally wouldn't let you do anything, and he was there all the time. You were just happy you could use the restroom alone.

Your family was very well known, very rich people, and every few days for the past month you would receive a threat. They were nothing to bad either- just 'Y/n, my love, if you don't marry me I'll gouge your eyes out.'  But your dad was worried and decided you needed protection after your secret admirer had taken photos of you in your home and created a fabulous photo collage, like it was really well made.

That's how your bodyguard came along, your dad wanted the best of the best and that position was in the hands of a man named James Barnes. He was a tall and a very well built man, with piercing blue eyes. He had long brown locks that, if he would take his hair out of a bun, would fall just above his shoulders. Not to mention he worked for the Avengers.

Although, you did have to admit that this man was hot as hell, but he had the personality of a rock. Currently you were begging for him to let you go to the club so you could actually let loose, and maybe get him to aswell, "Come on Jamessss, it will be fun!" He kept his cold gaze on you as you whined at him, "No, it's unsafe. And what did I say to call me?" He physically couldn't let you call him James, he liked it to much, and this was strictly professional.

You rolled your eyes at him, "Mr. BaRnEs, it is safe because you'll be there to protect me, can we please go? You need to let loose a little! Besides I think your avenger friends would say the same thing."

He sighed knowing you were right, he knew that you would be safe and he was a little uptight, but that was only because he really liked you, "Alright well go, but only for a few hours." You jumped with delight, "Yes, thank you! I need to change." James nodded and the two of you walked up to your room. He walked in with you, quickly checking the perimeter before leaving you be to stand right outside the door.

You went to your closet and picked out a short, tight red dress and changed into it. You quickly touched up your makeup and hair then grabed a pair of black heels to match. James heard the sound of your heels clicking as you walked over to your door, turning his head when the door opened. He somehow didn't let his emotions show when he saw you, he thought you looked absolutely gorgeous. You spun around and looked at him smiling, "Well how do I look?"

Beautiful. Amazing. Breath taking. Hot. Pretty. Stunning. The most perfect person he's ever seen. "Fine." His tone was monotone and you couldn't help but feel a little hurt, your smile dropped, "Let's go, I need a drink." Yup, personality of a rock. You walked out the door to the car with James right next to you, looking around as he opened the passenger door for you. He quickly shut it before rounding the car to the driver's side.


You stood at the bar, leaning against it as you sipped your whiskey. Out of the corner of your eye you saw James eye the bathroom. You turned your head to look at him, smirking, "Jame- I mean Mr. Barnes, if you have to use the restroom, please do. Your job shouldn't keep you from bodily functions." He looked over at you, "But what if-" You cut him off my placing your hand over his mouth, "Go piss, ill be fine for 5 minutes." He hesitated, looking around the club, "Are- Are you sure because I can wait-" you moved your hand to his and gave it a light squeeze, "Go. To. The. Bathroom." He nodded and stood up, "I'll be right back, I swear."

You watched him walk quickly to the bathroom, taking in how good he looked in the suit he wore. Your eyes ripped away when you felt like someone was staring at you, and you were right. Green eyes bore into your as this man walked across the club in your direction. You knew James would not be happy. As the man approached you he ran a hand through his golden locks, "Hey beautiful, can I buy you a drink?"

You nodded, you weren't one to pass on a free drink. "Can I get a beer and what ever the lady in having?" The bar tender nodded and looked at you, "whisky, please." The bartender gave you a exaggerated solute and turned away to make the drink. "I'm Derrick by the way." Derrick said smiling at you, you returned it, "y/n." "That's a very pretty name, y/n." His voice was low and you shifted in your seat, looking around the club for James.

He moved his head so you could feel his breath by your ear, "Let's get out of here, you and me." You felt a shiver go down your spine, and not a good one, "Oh, um, I can't I'm actually waiting for someon-" Your breath hitched as you felt a knife pressed to your ribs, "It wasn't up for negotiation, now your gonna act like you want to leave, understand my love?"

It was him, your blood ran cold, and you glanced around. James was no where in sight, this was it, tears pricked your eyes as you nodded. Derrick arm slung around your waist and guided you out of the club and into an ally way. He pressed the knife to your throat as he spoke, "My love, we are ment for eachother, I will love you forever and you will love me." Your jaw clenched and your voice trembled, "And if I don't?"

His eyes hardened and pressed the knife to your throat, "I'll rip your heart out." You nodded as a tear rolled down your face, Derrick whiped it away and held your face, "But right now I want to make you mine, make US one." He quickly flipped you over and pressed your chest against the cold wall. An involuntary sob ripped from your throat as tears ran down your face. The knife pressed to your throat once more as you went to fight him, but he was much stronger and gripped your wrist pulling them behind your back, "Don't fucking fight this y/n."

He slipped his knee between your thighs, pressing against your clit. Your eyeliner was running down your face as the knife started to break the soft skin of your neck. Suddenly everything stopped the knife was no longer pressed to your neck and his knee was basicly yanked from between his legs. There was a ringing in your ears as you turned, pressing your back to the wall and sliding down to sit on the ground. You placed you hands over your ears and your head between your knees.

When James returned to the bar where he left you and he saw that you weren't there panic flew through his body. He slammed his hands on the counter and reached over to grab the bar tenders shirt with his metal hand. He lifted the bar tender over the bar and above his head by the collar of his shirt, "Where the hell is she!?" His voice was loud compared to the terrified man in his hands, "She left the bar with some dude." James set the guy down and ran out of the club, shoving anyone who was in his way.

He moved to get away from the entrance of the club, moving to get his phone to call the avengers he saw you out of the corner of his eye, presses up against a wall with a knife to your throat. It physically pained him to see you cry, he started walking over to the two of you staring Derrick down. He was going to kill him. Derrick's head whipped to look at James and he moved the knife away from your throat.

"Get the fuck away from her." Bucky spoke with his fists clenched, "Y/n is my love! You can't have her!" James immediately ripped him away from you squeezing his throat, watching the life drain out of his eyes. But as much as he wanted to, he couldn't kill him, Steve would be disappointed. Plus avengers didn't kill or whatever, at least 'not on purpose'.

James threw him on the ground and he gasped for air before James began punching him. Over and over, anger blurred his vision as images of him touching you. Then he stopped, he heard your sobs and noticed Derrick was now unconscious and his face was smashed in. He quickly got up and went over to you.

"Y/n. Hey it's alright, you're ok, I've got you." When you heard James' voice you immediately looked up and wrapped your arms around him crying into his broad shoulders. His arms engulfed your waist and he pulled you into him. He stood up with you in his arms and pressed a hand into your hair while he kissed the top of your head.

You refused to let him go, you never wanted to be away from him again, "I'm so sorry y/n, I shouldn't have left." You shook your head and looked at him, "No, I told you to go, please don't blame yourself!" He gave a small nod and leaned down to kiss your cheek, "Are you alright." You nodded, "I am thanks to you, you're my hero, thank you." He smiled at you, "It's my job doll."

Your stomach filled with butterflies and you grabbed the sides of his face. You pulled his face to yours and kissed him passionately, as a form of thank you. His arms wrapped tighter around you as if to pull you in closer. Eventually you had to breathe and you and James rested your foreheads against eachother. "Let's get you home doll. I'll tell Steve about douche bag over here." You nodded and pressed into James as the two of you walked to the car, "How can I ever repay you James?" He shook his head "You being alive is good enough for me y/n."

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