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Word count: 712

You know that moment where you think 'what the fuck did I get myself into?' Yeah this was your moment. Your best friend, Steve, just got pummeled by your boyfriend, Bucky. Ironic since in the 40s it was Bucky saving him from getting beat up. Anyways there you were grabbing on to Steve as you fell from the exploding helicarrier, he was unconscious while you made the possibility idiot mistake of jumping off to save him.

Then you hit the water, you tried to pull Steve up but even with the serum it wasn't helping considering there was a bullet hole in your stomach. Right as you thought Steve was going to die you saw Bucky in the river with you. He grabbed Steve with his metal arm swimming to the top as you followed, he then pulled him to shore. You ran over to hug bucky, wrapping your arms around his neck, feeling him tense. He pushed you back as you felt a sting in your neck then watched him drop an empty syringe. You started to feel light headed as he lifted you onto his shoulder that was the last thing you remembered before passing out.

Your eyes shot open only to be met by  darkness, oh look another one of those moments. You sat up looking around, the were boards on the windows, a small kitchen, and a mattress that you were sitting on. Then you saw him, your Bucky, he was standing over a piece of paper most likely reading. His eyes shot up to you and without saying a word he quickly walked over. "Buck-" he lifted up your shirt to reveal bandages and some blood from your bullet wound, then his eyes met yours. You lifted your hand to his face and he leaned into your touch.

"Hey" you said softly while you brushed his cheek, he cleared his throat before speaking, "Hi." You smiled at him, "James where are we?" He leaned out of your touch and started unwrapping the bandages on your stomach, "Romania" you hummed in response as you wondered why he would bring you with him, but you wouldn't ask that. Once he finished swapping the bandages he helped you up from the mattress and wrapped you in a hug nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck.

"I- I remember you... well more so us, not everything but most of it I think" It came out slightly muffled but the smile still came to your lips. He pulled back to see you which brought a small nervous smile to his face while his hands still rested on your waist, "I know its been a while and all and you might have moved on but, I know for a fact that I still have those feelings for you, I knew it from the moment I saw you." Your smile got wider and you pressed your lips to his cheek, "I could never move on from you." He pulled you in for another hug, "Could you stay with me? Here in Romania, that is."

It was a hard decision you had to make, let everyone know your ok, or break the law even more and protect your Bucky. You chuckled to yourself, who were you kidding, it was a easy decision. Bucky pulled away slightly and watched your eyes for some sort of answer.  You nodded and ran a hand through his hair. His eyes filled with hope, and his lips curved into the slightest of smiles, he leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours, " You have no idea how happy that makes me, how happy you make me."

You felt your face warm, and butterflies erupt in your stomach, you kissed his forehead and he let out a content sigh. "Are you hungry?" You whispered, he nodded, watching you pull away from his grasp. You moved to the kitchen pulling out some of the scarce supplies from the fridge and started making some sandwiches he came over and sat on the counter next to you. It didn't matter to you that you were in Romaina or that you were now a criminal of the government, all that mattered is that you could be with Bucky and protect him from all.

Bucky Barnes one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now