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Sorry I haven't posted I've been busy with school, karate, and speech and debate.

Warnings: kinda sexual, awful explanations of dance moves, all slay
Word count: 1295

Fire flew gracefully from your finger tips as you swayed through the kitchen whistling the tune of Fireball. "Friday play fireball by pitbull." The song had been stuck in your head since Tony called you fireball on a mission and this was the way to get rid of it. You smiled and swayed your hips as the start of the song played.

"Mr. Worldwide to infinity, You know the roof on fire."

The music echoed faintly thorough the the compound, and since Bucky was on the same floor as you it was the loudest for him.

"We gon' boogie oogie oggi, jiggle, wiggle and dance, Like the roof on fire."

Bucky groaned and flipped the blanket off of him and looking over to check the time, 8:36 am. He grumbled as he put sweatpants over his boxers and walked out of his room to find the source of the music.

"We gon' drink drink and take shots until we fall out. Like the roof on fire"

As he walked into the kitchen about to scold, who he assumed to be Sam, he saw you. He looks you up and down as you run your hands down your body.

"Now baby give a booty naked, take off all your clothes, and light the roof on fire"

You continue to dance as you walk over to the fridge getting stuff to make breakfast. Bucky watches as you let your powers create fire to the beat of the song

"Tell her baby baby baby baby, I'm in fire, I tell her baby baby baby, I'm a fireball"

You start singing the song when it says 'I'm a fireball'. He leans against the walk way frame taking in your outfit, your wearing very short navy blue shorts and a white sports bra.


You spun around stopping dead in your tracks as you made eye contact with Bucky, your bestfriend. He smirked at you and spoke with a husky voice, laced with sleep, "No, no, please keep going." His arms now crossed over his bare chest.

"I saw, I came, I conquered. Or should I say, I saw I conquered, I came"

He shook his head walking over to you, "tsk tsk tsk, do you really think that I'm not going to let you finish the song doll?" You flinched a little at the cold sensation on your waist.

"They say the Chico on fire and he no liar. While y'all slippin' he runnin' the game"

His hands gripped your hips and started to move them to the sound of the music. He pulled you closer to him and matched his rhythm to yours.

"Now big bang boogie. Get that kitty little noogie"

You smiled at him as you brought you hands up to his shoulders. He smirked and without warning grabbed your hands and spun you. Fire came out beautifully from your hands, it was a sight Bucky could never look away from.

"I gave Suzie a little pat up on the booty. And she turned around and said. Walk this way"

He watched you spin before grabbing your mid back and dipping you down and grabbing your leg. His forearm was in the back of your knee while his hand was on your ass. One of your arms went back to his shoulder while the other stretched out and you let a ribbon of fire flow around you.

"I was born in a flame. Mama said that everyone would know my name. I'm the best you've never had. If you think I'm burning out, I'm never am. I'm on fire, I'm on fire, I'm on fire, I'm on fire."

You flipped out of Buckys grip and sang the words as you danced, swaying your hips, and moving your hands up your body, not breaking eye contact with him. Unfortunately you both didn't notice Natasha, Steve, Sam, and Tony walk in.


Bucky grabbed your hand and spun you into him. You back was pressed to his chest and his arm laid against yours with your fingers laced with his. Natasha quickly got her phone out and started recording with a smirk on her face.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones. But I don't care what y'all say"

You felt the bulge in his pants while you grinded against him earning a groan in your ear, "Fuck dollface don't do that I want to finish this song with you first."

"'Cause as the world turns, y'all boys gonna learn. That Chico right here don't play"

As you turned around you gave him an innocent look, still swaying your hips with his, "What ever do you mean Sargent?" His eyes darkend with lust and he licked his lips.

"That boy's from the bottom, bottom of the map. M.I.A U.S.A"

Steve's mouth dropped open as momentarily forgot how Bucky was with women. Sam also had his mouth open but instead of the shocked expression like Steve it was a smile. Tony was trying to contain his laughter from Steve's face.

"I gave Suzie a little pat up on the booty. And she turned around and said. Walk this way"

Bucky once again spun you around, but this time when you where back in his embrace you traced you fingers up his v line, lightly dragging your nails across. He groaned a little and grabed your hand to stop you and shook his head.

"I was born in a flame. Mama said that everyone would know my name. I'm the best you've never had. If you think I'm burning out, I'm never am. I'm on fire, I'm on fire, I'm on fire, I'm on fire."

The 4 of them watched you two dance expertly. Steve and Tony nodded at eachother, then turning back to you both. Bucky eventually grabbed your thighs lifting you up so you were wrapped around his waist.


You created a ring of fire around the two of you as you leaned away and arched your back then moved in the outline of a half circle. He pulled you up and roughly kissed your lips while squeezing your ass. The music suddenly cut off and you both pulled away. Both of your eyes widened as you saw your fellow teammates standing there.

Tony began to over-dramaticly clap as the rest held there laughs in, not Sam he was cackling. Bucky sighed and set you down gently, "Oh Bravo, Bravo!" You rolled your eyes at Tony as he continued, "That's it they definitely get to do it." Your brows furrowed, "Get to do what?" Tony started dying laughing and Bucky spoke up, "If your talking about sex Stark just know that's already planned for the future."

Your mouth parted in shock as you watched Natasha smirk and give you a thumbs up. You reached your hand up and hit the back of Buckys head you heard him mumble a 'ow' and a 'sorry'. Tony fell to the ground laughing, causing Sam to do so as well, both men clutching their stomachs.

With a blush spread across his features Steve spoke up, "No not- not that- we have a- uh-" Steve took a deep breath as you tried not to laugh at him, "There is mission tonight and it's staged at like a dance competition, we got word that the winner gets a cruise but the cruise line believes in Darwins theory of evolution way to much. So we came up her to ask if you, y/n, could dance, because I already knew Bucky could, and obviously you can. You two will be assigned to this mission."

You and Bucky both nodded as you followed Steve and Natasha out of the room to explain the mission leaving the two over grown children on the floor.

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