Got your back

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Warnings: kinda sad, mentions of death
Word count: 765

"Shit, shit, shit." Bullets flew past you, barely missing your flesh, as you ran in a b-line trying to take cover. You hopped over a half wall landing next to Bucky, "Hey Buckaroo!" He looked over his shoulder at you, giving you a playful glare, "This isn't really the time for that y/n/n." You smiled at him before looking over the wall, immediately almost getting shot, "Feels like it, especially since we might not make it out of here."

Bucky whipped his head, twords you, and put his hand on your face to make you look at him, "No, no, no! Don't say that. Yes, we are. You've already called for backup. Besides, who's gonna bug me all day?" You chuckled and leaned into your friend's hand, "I'm sure you could convince Sam to do it." Bucky scrunched his nose at the thought, causing you to laugh, "Let's get out of here y/n, got my back?" "Got your back."

The two of you stood up, running at the group of agents shooting at you, both of you smirking as they surrounded you. Immediately you and Bucky placed your backs together, shooting the agents around you. Once the last agent fell, you two faced each other, "Nice job Y/l/n." You smiled as Bucky hugged you, "Not to bad yourself, Barnes." He placed his head on your shoulder, and yours on his. Your eyes widened as you saw an agent on the floor aim his gun at Bucky's back.

You quickly rotated the two of you right as the gun was fired. One. Two. Three. Three bullets lodged into the tissues on your back, "NO!" Bucky quickly grabbed the gun from the holder on your thigh before shooting the man between the eyes. Your knees collapsed onto the cold concrete. Bucky sunk down with you pulling you into his lap and holding you, "Y/n, doll, please stay with me. You're gonna be ok. We're gonna be ok."

A smile spread across your face, "I like when you call me doll." Stray tears rolled down Bucky's face, "Yeah?" You simply nodded and smiled at him. The two of you sat in silence for a few seconds before you spoke, "Don't isolate yourself." Bucky looked at you to let you continue, "I don't want you to be alone. Let Steve and Tasha, and even Sam, help you. It's not healthy. And you have to. It's my dying wish."

Bucky shook his head, "Your not dying, backups on the way! We're going to die of old age, just like you said. We're gonna sit on the porch of a townhouse, and we're gonna judge people in our old age together." You chuckled, but it turned into a coughing fit, "You're already old, and I keep talking to me about the future."

"We- We're gonna get out of this alive, and then I'm gonna pluck up the courage to ask you on a date, because I'm in love with you and have been for the past two years... then I'll take you to your pick of restaurant -" "y/f/r?" "Yes, we'll go there, and you can get whatever you want." You nodded, "y/f/d sounds really good right now." Bucky's tears fell off of his face and stained your suit, "Why would you take those bullets for me?"

You rolled your eyes, "Isn't it obvious? I'm in love with you too." Bucky gave you a sad smile before leaning down and kissing your chilled lips. You kissed him deeply and passionately before pulling away and coughing, "Sorry." "Don't apologize, doll." You smiled, "Sorry." Bucky chuckled more tears falling, "I think I have to- to go now." Bucky looked into your eyes as he started to shake his head, "I love you, James Buchanan Barnes. I'll always have your back, even if theres 3 holes in mine."

"I love you too y/n y/m/n y/l/n. I know you do, no matter how much I don't want you to." Bucky watched your body lose its strength and go limp in his arms. He pulled you into him and took in a breath that morphed into a sob. His cries echoed in the environment, "I'm s-so sorry doll." He heard footsteps run up to him, not caring to look up, not caring if he was shot or killed, "Buck? What happened?" Sam's voice rang in his ears, and another sob escaped past his lips.

You were dead, but even in the afterlife, you had Bucky's back, watching over him.

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