New Yorks Bravest

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Warnings: kinda sad at the end, also  I could do another part if wanted

Word count: 2477

A little less than a year ago you had run into Bucky Barnes, spilling your coffee all over the both of you, you apologized over and over while he insisted it was ok. You had asked how you could make it up to him by ruining his shirt and burning him with the hot liquid, he said it would make it up to him if you went out to dinner with him and you had been dating ever since.

Bucky understood your job was dangerous, but he also knew that you could handle it, and vice versa. Ever since you were little you had dreamed of being a firefighter, you volunteered at 16 all the way through college, and afterward, you applied for a job at one of New York's fire stations. You had climbed the ranks quickly and intended to keep doing so. Both you and Bucky decided to keep your relationship a secret, he didn't want to get bombarded with questions by the avengers yet, and you didn't feel like being called weak by some of the men in your department.

At this moment the whole team sat in the living area talking, making jokes, and playing games. Everyone was enjoying themselves, no one paying attention to the news in the background, "This just in, a huge fire on Main Street, experts say that there is a toxic gas that was just released. We will update you all as we can." Bucky's head whipped to the direction of the TV while Steve stepped out of the room to call Ross.

The avengers had all settled down to watch the news to make sure people were safe. Steve walked back into the room with a sad look on his face and shaking his head, "Ross said not to go in, he said the Tower Ladder 15 is on it." The color drained from Bucky's face, that was your department, usually, he would trust you but you've never dealt with toxic gas before. He couldn't lose you, "Hey Buck you ok?" Sam said as he placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder, Bucky gulped and nodded his head.

Steve turned up the volume on the TV while he sat next to his best friend. They watched the TV as a helicopter showed a view of the burning building, then cut back to the news anchor, "New York's bravest have gotten all of the people out before the toxic gas spread to any of them-" he stopped himself and mumbled a conversation into an earpiece "- This just in, there is what appears to be a 10-year-old boy trapped on the 8th floor-" the screen cut to a video of the camera focused and a crying child in the corner of a room laced in fire, "- now let's go to Laura."

Once again the screen cut to the scene of the fire but now it had a blond woman with a microphone in front of the building and many firefighters and fire trucks, but most importantly you stood there with ash, dirt, and sweat on your face. Bucky tensed when he saw your uneasy expression, his jaw clenched and his leg started bouncing, Steve noticed this but decided not to say anything.

"Thank you, Matt." Laura said, "I'm here with Captain Y/n y/l/n, Captain what is your plan for saving this kid?" You let out a huff and wiped your face with the back of your forearm, "Is this really the best time for an interview?" "We just want to update the public." You sighed and spoke into the microphone, "I sent my lieutenant to grab one of our more heavy use suits, hopefully it will block out the toxic gas so I can get both me and the boy to safety." Right as you finished your lieutenant showed up with the suit, "Thank you Captain Y/l/n" you gave a short nod and ran off to gear up.

Bucky let out a breath and leaned forward, closer to the TV, "Barnes are you good, the kid will be ok. I've heard a lot about this Y/n lady, she's the best of the best. Top of her class." Tony said as he shoved blueberry in his mouth, Bucky shook his head and mumbled, "Yea I know she is." He watched the TV intently, the camera was on you, he watched you place the gas mask over your face then the helmet over that while another member placed an extra mask on your back for the boy. Two news workers ran over to you and hooked up a small live camera to you while you tried to shoo them away. The screen cut to the camera on your uniform as you walked up the ladder on the truck up to the 6th floor, which was the closest you could get.

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