Good Terms?

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Warnings: Smut🤌
Word count: 1809

"Fuck you Barnes" You spat while you pressed your finger aggressively to Bucky's chest. With a smirk on his face he took your hand in his and moved it to the side then crossed his arms over his chest, "You know if you really want to, I'm free tonight doll face." He winked at you and walked away leaving you to stand there in shock before walking to your room.

Yours and Bucky's relationship was plain and simple, you hated eachother. Well it was plain and simple, until Bucky stopped arguing as much and started flirting instead. It always left you flustered and caught off guard. To be honest you didn't know exactly how this hatred came to be, you assumed in was your clash of personalities. You were what Tony would describe as the personification of 'adhd' you were pure chaos, while Bucky who you thought was just a dark and brooding sad sap, until recently. Steve said that he noticed Bucky becoming Bucky again, and you would be lieing to yourself of you didn't find the new Bucky's personality as attractive as him.

You had sat in your room watching TV until dinner, it was Wanda's turn to cook so you basically ran down the halls. As you walked into the kitchen Wanda smiled at you, "Hey Y/n/n, diners almost done." You returned the smile, "Thanks wands, it smells amazing!" She thanked you and carried on a conversation with you. Eventually the rest of the team flowed in and you started serving food to them allowing Wanda to take a break. You got your own plate and shuffled over to the table, noticing that the only seat left was next to Bucky. He smirked and patted the seat for you to sit, you rolled your eyes as you sat down.

The table was buzzing with conversation, you were currently having a conversation with Tony on which of the two of you were more attractive. "I'm obviously the hottest avenger Tony." This caught the attention of the team. Tony scoffed, "Y/n look at me-" you cut him off, " Oh I'm looking at you." Bucky chuckled placing a hand on your shoulder, "Come on Stark, Y/n here obviously beats you in that department." Natasha sent you a smirk, "Natasha you don't think that do you?" Tony whined, "Yeah I do." Nat said turning to him.

Conversations picked up again and Bucky put his hand on your thigh, your head snapped to look at him, a confused look plastered on your face. You whisper-yelled only loud enough for him to hear, "What are you doing?!?" He smiled, moving his hand up in-between your thighs, subconsciously you spread your legs, he glanced down and smirked then he started rubbing you through your jeans. You let out a soft moan, thanking the loud conversation between Thor and Tony.

Bucky watched your face try to hide the fact that you were being pleasured under the table. You bucked your hips towards his hand trying to get more friction from his slow pace. He started going faster and you gave another soft moan, hopeful that Bucky didn't hear it. Right before your high he stopped leaving his hand but no longer moving.

Eventually everyone parted ways until it was only you and Bucky, who still had his hand between your thighs. You stood up and put your plate in the sink about to walk back to your room but Bucky came up to you, pushing you against the wall, "Ah ah ah doll, don't think that I didn't hear you moaning earlier because no matter how soft you tried to be I heard them all." You whimpered a bit as you grinded against the tent in his pants, this earned a groan to be emitted from his lips. He moved his left hand to your neck squeezing slightly as he pulled you in for a rough kiss.

Your tongues fought for dominance but eventually he won when you moaned. With his knee he parted your legs, putting his thigh in between and rubbing your clit through the fabric of your jeans as you let out more soft moans. "What the actual fuck! Get a room!" Tony said shielding his face, Bucky pulled back and smirked at him, "We will." Bucky grabbed your waist and threw you over his shoulder. You grabbed on to his shirt out of fear as you moved around. He smacked your ass and you let out a yelp, "Quit moving doll."

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