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The first day of senior year. The year everyone has to make up their mind about their future if they haven't yet. The year college is approaching like a freight train. The year you say, "I'll only do this once, right?"

That thought process has gone and passed for me. As much as I wish I could say I was doing something special with my life, it would be a lie.

Don't get me wrong, I was once there myself. The thought of graduating scared the living hell out of me. I didn't want to more than not be able to grow up. I guess that dream came true.

The people I had classes with since middle school were suddenly gone. It wasn't like they ran away...they simply just...grew up. As much as I didn't want to graduate the year before, I wanted to move on this year. Do something with my life, ya know?

I've had more than enough time to decide how I'm going to go out there and improve the world and yet... here we are. Second go at it...and still not knowing who I'm supposed to be...what I'm supposed to be.

But, I feel like this year is different. This... might  just be my year. My year I know where my future lies. Where I can finally look into the principal's eyes and just smile...knowing that I did the one thing that he thought I could never. To flip him-


My heart dropped into my throat at the thought of even a single dent coming to my van...but I would have been rocked at least a little if it touched, right?

   I'm fully parked...what idiot almost hits a parked car that's perfectly parked? I've had this bad boy since I learned how to drive. Although it wasn't the nicest car out there, I couldn't let an idiot ruin it for me.

As I looked up, I was met with a sorry looking Steve Harrington. Before I could even process anything, I'm already rolling my window down.

"Hey! Watch where you're going! You almost hit my PARKED car!" I feel myself slip into habit...but I'm too angry to care. "I mean come on, how can you even..."

Before I can even continue my rant, the guy sighs and smiles at me before casually coming out of his car and stepping up to my window lifting his shades.

   "What do you want Harrington? Not really in the mood to get insulted...especially by someone who can't drive."

"Ouch...tough but...true. I come in peace." He raised his hands in a 'don't shoot position' "Look I didn't mean to get so close to your car man, sorry about that. Are we cool?" He extended out one of his hands into the open slot of the window for me to shake.

I thought about closing the window on his arm for even putting it in there, but that would go against what my uncle recommended. He said that being nice can help you make friends... maybe this could be my first step? Befriend the popular boy in school and...

   Who am I kidding? I'll just be nice and accept his apology.

"Sure man just be careful next time, okay?" I sighed while starting to grab my books from the passenger seat of the car.

"Yeah, for sure. I'll be more careful. It's Robin's fault for this one. I 100% blame her for my wrong doing. She had to take her sweet time getting ready for school." Steve shot a smile over to Robin before rolling his eyes in a playful manner.

Robin jumped out of the car from the passenger's seat and slammed the door behind her to look at me. "Dude! It totally wasn't! I was just talking with him and then he acts like a mad man and almost kills like five children in the parking lot. Nothing to do with being late" her head turned quickly to face Harrington, sticking her tongue out.

"Robin there are no kids here. It's a high school. How could I almost kill things that aren't here?" Steve sighed, running his hand through his hair in the process.

Robin smiled and lifted up her hands "I don't know but you're sure acting like a child blaming your terrible driving skills on me. You know I'd drive better in a heartbeat"

"Yeah. Get a license then." Steve teased back.

"You wound me, Harrington. I give you nothing but kindness and I get this in return." Robin slung her backpack across her shoulder and started to head to the school at lightning speeds.

      "Robin! Come on! You know I was just joking around!" Steve yelled running towards the school after her.

"Yeah! I know! But late...remember?" Robin yelled back over her shoulder, raising her pace towards the school's entrance.

In the distance, Steve looked at something on his wrist, pretty sure it was a watch. "SHIT. You're right!" Steve started to book it with her.

    They were clearly close. Must be nice. The kind of friendship where if you watch, it's just like a movie...and they just let me watch a mini show with their conversation they had in front of me alone.

   As much as I didn't want to go and do this again, Wayne told me that I couldn't fail again due to no attendance.

All of my ditching spots had been discovered by Wayne or the police during school hours thanks to Hopper being on my ass last year about attendance anyways.

I sighed and closed the door to the driver's seat. It's the same as before. Everyone's the same minus the freshmen...and even then, I've seen their faces before. Hawkins isn't the biggest town out there.

     There was a rough bump to my shoulder as I saw a new kid running down the walkway screaming bloody murder as Carver chased after them. Typical. Just like any year.

I hated to admit it, but I was just glad it wasn't me. Someone can only get shoved into a locker so many times until it starts to hurt. With my final height growth over the summer, there was no way in hell I could fit in them anymore without spraining something...or having a flashback.

My head hurt even thinking about it. The possible torture of this next school year. No. No Eddie, we're staying positive here. Maybe we'll be lucky and Jason will just forget I exist. It's been long enough of a summer, right?

I sighed before pulling out my schedule to look for my first class. "Chemistry." I hoped that there was at least someone I recognized so I wouldn't be such a stand out.

I took a deep breath before looking at the sign above the door frame. Even if I recognized no one, I needed to be open to new experiences. New changes. Hawkins will be my turf this year. "This is my year...let's make it my year."

(A/N: I want to get to know you! What's your favorite colour?)

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