2 - Innocent Eyes

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I stand at the photocopier one evening, printing out some case notes for what Andy and I have been working on for the last couple of weeks- or at least he has anyway. Technically I'm just here to assist and get experience. Having Andy for a mentor isn't that bad either. He knows what he's talking about for a start - much more than Neal who makes my skin crawl. Glad Mom didn't stick me with him. 
Either way, Andy and I get along well. I suppose that's all that matters. 

Team work. 

Mom went home about an hour ago and stuck her head in to ask whether I'd be leaving soon. Andy and I were at his desk but looked up when she appeared. 

"You still at it?" She smiled, "Andy, what have I said about working late?" 

He mirrored her smile, "It's fine, we're just wrapping up. I won't be a bad influence on your daughter". 

Mom snorted "Like you could ever be. It's a wonder that Laurie isn't calling to see where you've got to?" 

"She's got a load of events on this week for work, so at the moment it's like ships passing in the night". He admitted. "But it's fine. That's what weekends are for right? Family". 

I got up. "I'm gonna grab a drink, you want one before we finish up?" I asked Andy.

"I'm good Savannah, thanks". 

"I won't stay too long mom" I rolled my eyes with a small smirk. "Anyway I'll see you in the morning". 

"I still don't like the idea of you in that apartment by yourself" She said as she bid Andy goodnight and walked down the hallway with me to the break room. "Even walking to the parking lot by yourself..." 

I shook my head. "Mom, chill - I'm old enough to be out there on my own". 

"But you're still my baby, whether you want to be or not". 

Technically I'm not hers but know that saying it would cut like a knife. She raised me by herself with no other help and did everything while juggling her job. Gave me anything I needed or wanted within reason. Why she chose to just do it alone? I don't know. I've never really asked. 

"I know" I finally said, "but I'm fine - and if you really want me to then I can call you when I'm home" 

"Please do" She eyed me strongly and then gave me a kiss. "See you in the morning". 

Now as I stand at the photocopier I can sense someone behind me and turn. "Geez Neal, do you really have to creep out on me like that?" This is all I need. Neal Logiudice here to observe my photocopying skills, because I'm pretty sure that's all he thinks I'm good for. I'm not as 'established' as him and Andy. 

He chuckles. "Sorry Savannah, I didn't realise you'd still be here." 

"Yep, well, here I am" I say unenthusiastically, wanting him to fuck off. 

He crosses his arms and leans against the wall. Eyes scanning me up and down. "I wanted to ask you something". 

"Fire away Logiudice" 

"Do you fancy having a drink sometime?" 

I almost slam the top of the photocopier down on my hand as I change the paper inside. He cannot be serious? "Pardon?" 

Neal frowns. "Do you wanna have a drink? With me?" He says again a little slower so that my tiny brain can process it fairly quicker this time. 

I choke out a small laugh. "I, erm...Neal, look I'm sure you're a nice guy and all..." 

Pffft, yeah right. 

"Savannah, it's not a death sentence, it's just one drink..." He states. 

So yes, a death sentence then. 

"I'm really not looking to get involved with anything at the moment..." I begin to make my excuses even though I know they'll go over the top of his head. Neal is persistent both in and out of the court room. 

"Come ooooooon Sav..." He presses. 

"She said no..." A new voice states clearly and with some hostility to it. We both look and see Andy standing there. 

Neal looks at me and nods. "Savannah". Before heading off down the hall back to his office. 

"Jerk". Andy mutters under his breath. Whether he meant for me to hear it is another thing. He turns to me. "You alright?" 

I nod. "I'm fine, thanks by the way". 

"No problem, he bothers you again then tell me". He says, looking back down the now empty hallway. 

I grab the stuff we've printed and pass it to him. "Here you go, all printed to perfection". 

"I wouldn't expect anything less Sav" He smirks and takes the papers from me. "Anyway why don't you get yourself home?" 

"What about you? Doesn't your son need you home?" 

"Not when he's round a friend's playing video games. It's fine, I can finish up here". Andy brushes it off but I feel bad and he can see that. "Savannah..." He now puts his hands on his hips, "You wouldn't be the first to feel like you have something to prove".

I sigh. "I've got everything to though - especially when I feel people are looking at me knowing that I probably will never be as good as Mom". 

"Do you have to be?" Andy asks as we walk back to his office. 

"It's not a case of having to be, it's wanting to be." I state, "I just want to be as good as she is so she'll be proud and know that I didn't just waste my years for nothing". 

Andy closes the door behind us and then turns to me. "Savannah..." 

Is it bad that I really like how he says my name?

"None of us will ever be like your Mom. Your Mom is your Mom - and you? You're your own person. You'll learn even more than you already have, develop your own ways and methods in the court room. Don't pressure yourself" He leans back against the edge of his desk and crosses his arms. "Lynn is proud of you". 

I begin to put some things away into my bag. "What about your Mom? She proud of what you do?" 

"Probably, I never really asked her - she died a few years back". He says. 

I grit my teeth and curse on the inside. "Sorry...I didn't mean..."

"It's ok. But I like I said, she probably was". 

"And what about your wife?" The words are out of my mouth before I even realise. "Is she er...well...she like what you do?" 

For fuck sake.

"It's complicated for her - she tries to understand the jargon and stuff, but gives up" He chuckles. "Probably for the best, If I explained everything to her then I'd bore her to death". 

 "You're not boring". I smile. "I actually really like working with you". 

Andy smiles. "Likewise, now...you gonna be ok walking to your car? I'm pretty sure Neal's gonna be leaving soon if you wanted some back up". 

"Would that be ok? I kinda want to avoid him". 

"He gives you any more trouble then you tell me ok?" Andy says while we pack up and lock his office door once we're out of there. Now heading down the stairs and out to the parking lot.  

"I'll be ok, I've had worse when I was in college - guys just wouldn't quit" 

"I can see why..." 

Oh shit. 

Andy now elaborates but I can sense he knows what he just said. "I mean you're a good looking girl. Unfortunately some guys don't take no for answer".

There's silence for a moment while we carry on walking. My car and his being the only ones in the parking lot, which means we probably just managed to miss Neal. "Do you?" I now ask once we stop beside my car. 

"Do I what?" 

"Take no for an answer?" 

I'm curious to see just what his answer will be now, and what he says gives me some satisfaction, even though I know it shouldn't. The way he's looking at me now also telling me that this? It could be risky for us both - more so him. 

"Depends on the situation". 

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