19 - Another Year Older

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"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me". I sing a little sadly to myself. 

Another year older and the man I love isn't even here to share it with me. We spoke earlier, but couldn't even facetime as the connection was terrible. Still, it was nice to hear his voice. 

Even now almost a year has passed we're still going strong. We facetime anytime that we can, constantly message. I miss him badly, but I'm preparing to spend Christmas with him and Jacob this year, and to finally be introduced to Jacob properly. He knows that Andy and I are together and apparently has no problem with it. 

I look at myself again in the mirror and nod my approval. Mom's invited me over for dinner tonight to celebrate, so I should be getting going. 

Grabbing my phone and keys, I head over to Mom's, letting myself in and calling to her. "I'm here!" 

"Happy birthday baby". She comes out of the kitchen and gives me a kiss on both cheeks. "Have you enjoyed it?" 

"Spent most of it looking over the Drysdale file". I roll my eyes but see her disappointed look. "I know, I know - but I was bored". 

I really was, and although spending a birthday looking over my latest case sounds real sad, I was also watching Netflix and drinking some wine at the same time, so I guess it doesn't count as work as such. 

"You should've come over earlier then, I wouldn't have cared". She says as we go through to the kitchen. 

I pour us both a drink. "Something smells good". 

"Lasagne". She confirms, quickly checking on it. "Mom's special recipe". 

"You always make it so good" I groan. "Whenever I try it's just not the same". 

"I bet it is, you're just overthinking". She scoffs and leads me through to the living room. "Just sit here and relax. I've got this". 

She's decorated the living room with balloons and a banner, bless her. 

The door goes and I go to get up. "I'll get it". I state, but she calls to me that she's got it. 

"Been waiting for this Amazon parcel for days now" She tells me as she passes the room and then opens the front door.

I get up and quickly go to grab some more wine as Mom comes back in the kitchen, putting the delivery on the side. "You can open it after dinner" She smiles. "Although I'm afraid the gift wrap is shoddy".

I laugh and glance at the parcel. "I mean, I really didn't expect anything if I'm honest. It's just another birthday". 

"You're my daughter, I'm not gonna get you nothing for your birthday". She scolds lightly and we go through to the living room. 

I stop dead as I see not one but two people standing there. 

"Oh my god..." I breathe. 

It's Andy, and next to him keeping himself steady on crutches is Jacob who's also smiling. "Happy Birthday you". Andy smiles and immediately I'm in his arms, kissing him deeply. 

I look at him and then to Mom as I pull away. "Did you...both of you..." 

"Your Mom and I thought we'd surprise you". He smiles, arm slipping around my waist. "Jake, this is Savannah...Sav, this is Jake".

"Hi" Jacob smiles as he goes to shake my hand. 

"How are you Jake?" I smile weakly. 

He nods. "I mean, pretty good considering Mom tried to kill me". Comes the blunt reply. 

"Jake" Andy warns. 

I frown. "Wait...you can remember?" 

"Another reason why dad and I are here". He says as I help him to a chair to sit down. 

"Jake and I are heading to see Pam on Monday morning. He remembers a few things about what happened, not everything, but enough to be given in evidence at the trial". Andy now explains as Mom gives him and Jacob a drink. 

I grin as I return to his side. "I mean, that's good and I suppose pretty traumatising at the same time?" 

Jacob shrugs. "I'm getting help for it", and then he looks at me. "I remember when you were in the car park after the trial - you stood up for us..." 

"Even if I was on the opposing side, I still believed you were innocent. It was hard". 

"Dad told me. But thanks again, did you hurt your wrist when you fell on it?" He asks with some concern. 'Lack of empathy' my ass. The assessments they did on him were clearly bullshit. 

"Sprained, nothing too serious" I confirm. "Anyway enough about that, how are you recovering?" 

Jacob looks at his crutches. "I can walk but not far, mainly my right side is weaker so doctors say. I have therapy for that too once, sometimes twice a week depending. Usually when I'm out I have a wheelchair still". 

"Which he also uses to try and run me down". Andy shoots him a look. "But he's getting there. It'll take a while" 

"These things do" I agree and look up at him. "I can't believe you're here. Is that why you couldn't facetime earlier?" 

"Nope, was driving" He chuckles. "Which reminds me - I have your present". He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a box, then before I know it, he's down on one knee. "Savannah Mae Canavan...will you marry me?" 

I stare down at him in shock, then at the open box where the most beautiful ring I've ever seen is sitting between velvet. 


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