20 - How It Should Be

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"That was quite some stunt you pulled in court today, where'd you learn that?" Andy asks me over dinner one evening. 

I smirk. "Easy, I learnt it from my husband". 

"For a moment there I thought you were going to say Neal". He snorts. 

I make a face, "God no - anyway I saw your face Mr District Attorney. You loved every moment of me putting that bastard away, sorry Jake" I quickly add. 

Jacob shrugs as he eats his pasta. "You're cool, dad's said worse" 

"When?" Andy now questions. 

"When you were trying to put the Christmas lights up outside the other day, and called them a fuc..." 

"Okay, we're not repeating that" Andy mutters. "Eat up, your Aunt Lynn's gonna be here soon". 

Jacob calls my Mom, Aunt Lynn, which is fine with her. She's spending Christmas with us and called before dinner to say she's an hour away. 

It's been a year since I left Newton for Colorado, Andy and I getting married just months after he proposed. Since then life has been just how it should. Jacob is slowly but surely getting better. The stress of Laurie's trial had him in a bit of a state for a week or so, as we had to return to Newton so he could testify, but in the end she will be spending the rest of her days in a psychiatric unit, even though she's been found guilty. It was enough for us to accept, and to finally move on. 

Andy has taken over as the DA for work, so he and Mom have A LOT to talk about when they do catch up. I work for a law firm in town, something a little different compared to what I was in Newton, but it's less stress in some respects. That and I'm around if I need to take Jake to any appointments.
He still has them but now doesn't need the aid of crutches. It's simply to keep strengthening his side. However we still need the wheelchair if we go somewhere that involves too much walking.  His memory is back somewhat, still fuzzy and he can have painful headaches, but all in all he's a fighter. Life here is better for him, he has new friends, most of who hang out here at the weekends. Not that Andy and I mind at the moment. They're usually pretty good and play on the Xbox. 

The door goes as I stack the dishwasher and Andy goes to let Mom in. I hear them say hi before she comes in and hugs me, Andy putting her bags into the guest room. "Hello Sav" We hug one another tightly. 

I miss her so much, but we make sure to take time each week to facetime. 

"Excited for Christmas?" I ask, leading her into the living room so she can sit down and have a hot chocolate that Jacob insists on making. 

"I'm with you, of course I am" She smiles. 

I sit down as Andy comes in and perches on the arm of the sofa next to me. "Ah, now there's something we need you to look over if that's ok?" He asks and gets a box from the table where he's been sat working. "I had recent case come in and Sav and I have been looking over it. It's a gonna be a tough one but we need your opinion on these files if you could give them a read over". 

"Of course!" Mom says, going into work mode. She never switches off and doesn't care whether she works Christmas Day if she had to. 

She opens the box with the file and opens it, then staring at it for a while before looking at us. "Is this...you're not..." Her hands fly to her mouth in shock as she looks again into the file and pulls out the baby scan pictures that Andy and I had hid in there earlier. "Seriously!" Her hands are shaking as I can see her becoming emotional. 

Andy smiles warmly and nods. "You're gonna be a grandma" 

On hearing this she breaks down into sobs and I grin at my husband as I go over and hug her. "What's your opinion on the files Mom?" I half laugh as she hugs me and then puts a hand to my stomach. 

"Tough case, but it'll all be worth it. The pain, the sleepless nights...all of it" She cries some more as she hugs me. "When are you due?" 

"June". I tell her. 

"Oh come here!" She now beckons Andy over and hugs him. "I love you but I hate you at the same time for putting me in this state". 

I roll my eyes. "Imagine how I feel". 

Andy smirks at me as he hugs Mom and then lets her go. "We could've kept it until Christmas day for you, but then our excuse about the files wouldn't have gone down well during dinner". 

She whacks him playfully. "This is perfect. You've no idea how happy I am for you two right now". 

"Hot chocolate's up" Jake now shuffles into the living room and I take one of the mugs from him in case it spills and pass it to Mom, while Jake gives the other to Andy. 

"I'll get ours " I say to Jacob and head into the kitchen to grab them. 

I look down and place a hand on my stomach with a small smile. This time next year we'll have our baby actually here with us, and then we will really be complete. 

After thinking that none of this would ever be possible. I'm here. 

I have my husband. 

I have my stepson.

I have my Mom.

And now I have our baby growing inside of me. 

This is where I was always meant to be. 


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