12 - Moving On

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Christmas comes and goes. It's just Mom and I which is nice as we finally spent some time together after the madness of the murder trial.

I haven't seen Andy since the whole incident in the parking lot with Dan Rifkin. Mom is expecting him to return to work, but has told him to take the time that he needs before coming back. So far since the start of the year he hasn't, and as a result I've still be kept to stand in for him until he does.

I'm sat in my/his office one morning, on the phone to a client when I feel someone's presence in the doorway. "Let me call you back, sorry, there's something that's come up". I state and hang up, smiling lightly as I see just who is stood there.

"Hello Andy..."

"Hey you..." He smiles the same way back and looks around, "How's my office treating you?"

I gesture for him to come in and close the door behind him, which he does. "Not the same without you here". I admit to him. "I'm actually standing in for you until you come back - is that why you're here?" I ask, wondering whether he's given Mom a date of his return.

Now he looks at me. "I'm not coming back Sav...I came to tell your Mom that we're leaving Newton. It's for the best. We're just not welcome here anymore after all that's happened".

My heart sinks. "Oh..."

"Looks like you get my job though, I told your Mom it's a good choice..."

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Colorado - I've secured a job there, we're just packing up the house and then leaving in the next week or so".

I nod and try to swallow the lump that is forming in my throat. "Well..." I choke out. "I hope it all works out for you".

He says nothing for a moment. "I'm sorry Savvy..."

"Why? You're doing what you should for your family. They come first".

I don't.

I never will.

We've established that already.

I'm not going to beg him to stay. Plead with him that we could just make it work, because we can't. It's not possible.

Andy beckons me over to him and then takes my face in his hands, kissing me deeply before resting his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry". He apologies again in a hushed whisper. "I'm so, so sorry..."

Even like this I still want to lock the door and make love to him for old times sake. But I've changed, grown as a person and I know it wouldn't be right to make a move like that.

A kiss goodbye is enough for me.

I look up at him from under lashes. "I always hated it when we had to leave one another, but this time I have even more reason to".

"I know, but we both know it's for the best". He kisses me one last time, part of me secretly hoping that he'll just lock the door and have me anyway, but he doesn't. I know that's probably 'for the best' as well. It'll only make leaving even harder. "Look after yourself Savannah, I know you will".

"You too..." I say and watch him open the door and go to leave. "Andy..."

He stops and looks back at me.

"I..." I begin and then realise it's a bad idea, now changing what I was originally going to confess. "won't ever forget you".


I'm sat in And-my office a week or so later. I still can't see it as my own. Everything just reminds me of him, probably because we spent most of our time in here working and even when we weren't.

Neal has since found some all new respect for me and if I'm honest? We've actually got along a little better. That's not to say that I don't think he's an ass, because he still is, however he doesn't show it as much as he did before.

"Knock, knock". Mom knocks on the door as she opens it.

I look up from my laptop. "A visit from the DA, shit, should I be honoured or scared?" I smirk and sit back as she closes the door.

She laughs but it's half hearted.

Something is wrong, and I can tell immediately that she's not come in here for mother/daughter time. "What's wrong?"

Looking at me she says nothing for a moment. "I've had a call come in this morning from Detective Duffy..."


"They're investigating an accident that occurred yesterday afternoon" She pauses. "Jacob and Laurie Barber are in critical condition..."

"My face falls".

"Andy..." My mind goes immediately to him.

"Is ok" Mom clarifies and sees my face. "But Jacob is in a bad way. He took most of the impact".

My brain is scattered, trying to think of Andy but also wanting to know what happened. "How did it happen? Was there anyone else involved".

"They're saying that it looks like the car lost control, but they haven't had the full report through yet. No one else was involved. All I know is that the car was travelling at high speed, it's a wonder that they weren't killed..."

I sit back and ponder. "Have you spoken to Andy?"

Mom shakes her head. "He's in constant contact with Duffy, but at the moment he's been at the hospital. It's not looking good for Jacob..."

I stare at a random spot on my desk, "I suppose he doesn't want to be bombarded with calls". Now I sigh and rub my temples, trying to figure out one thing. How was Laurie going at such a speed as Mom stated. Was she intoxicated? Had she had a stroke or something at the wheel? All, the questions are reeling like a whirlpool around my mind".

"So why did Duffy call? Usually it's if there's a chance that..."

"That this wasn't an accident" Mom now finishes my sentence and looks gravely at me. "Savannah, apparently there are some things she said were already standing out, so I'm going to say this now. If it comes back that Laurie Barber's car was not the main cause of the accident then - depending on her condition - it will go to trial, and I want you to be the one leading that".

"Why not Neal?"

"Neal may be good for certain types of cases, but this one? It would be a delicate process. I want you to be the one to take it, should it ever come to that. I'm just hoping that it doesn't, that poor boy has suffered enough."

"Yeah..." I glance out of the window. "You and I both".

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