Chapter 9

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"If I am, to be honest with all of you, then I have to say that I can't really take my eyes off Wonyoung earlier," You said, blushing at the fact that you lowkey admitted about admiring Wonyoung.

The other members look at Wonyoung after they heard what Y/n said, and to this, Wonyoung was dumbfounded by the fact that for just one performance, she was able to captivate you.

Wonyoung suddenly hugged you, Causing you to blush heavily

"U-umm, Wonyoung-ah, a lot of your company's staff are w-watching us"

Wonyoung, who realized what she has done detaches herself from you while smiling happily.

"~Yah!!!, I didn't even do my aegyo earlier and yet you're still fell to my charms~" Wonyoung said, making you feel embarrassed even more.

Meanwhile, Liz and Rei were stunned at your answer, and the fact that you chose Wonyoung, who can get anyone's attention by just existing, made them lose some of their confidence.

Leeseo and Gaeul on the other hand started placing bets on who will manage to win your heart, while Yujin just stared blankly at Wonyoung

"Girl, we literally made plans on how to tease both Liz and Rei on how they feel about y/n, but now you're going to join this mess?" Yujin thought to herself while accepting the fact that she's now the only one who can initiate the plan to tease Liz and Rei.

"Fine I'll do this myself"

Meanwhile, IVE's manager, who's quietly observing the scene in front of him, is starting to have suspicions on some members having feelings towards you.

"Could it be?"

Two weeks have passed since the concert, and both you and IVE are now occupied with your own respective jobs, with you currently learning to initiate your coach's playbook while IVE is preparing for their schedules in Japan.

"Y/n, that pass was great but score some goddamn points!!!" Your coach yelled at you, wanting you to score more.

You on the other hand are trying your best to score yourself ever since your coach told you that you were not scoring enough and ordered you to drive to the paint with the intention to score.

Yes, you would drive to the lane but the thing is you are still traumatized by your past injuries. which you are trying to overcome right now.

On the other hand, Jun felt pity towards your situation, but he decided not to interfere with the coach because deep down, he knows the team would be able to fare better if you score more points

He suddenly thought of an idea to help you get over that trauma. He called his current teammates and told them his plan.
The scrimmage continued, with Jun's team now playing with a textbook 3-2 zone defense (AN; 3-2 zone defense is employed to try to guard teams with excellent 3-point shooting)

You immediately noticed this since you always saw this type of defense being played against you back in your college days.

You tried to pass the ball to one of your teammates, but as perplexing as it looks, it seems like your teammates were shying away from the ball.

"Sorry y/n, but you've got to beat that trauma you have for all our sakes." one of your teammates thought to himself while giving you more space for an isolation play.

Seeing that you have no choice, You started doing some dribble moves to shake your opponent off for a three but sadly or thankfully? the one who was defending you is the best perimeter defender on your team.

He gave you hell trying to stop you from attempting a three. You gave up attempting a three and decided to drive to the lane, which to your surprise, your defender let you do so.

Upon driving to the lane, It was now Jun's turn to guard you which surprisingly, lightly defended you

"Come on lay it up Y/n, you can do it," Jun thought to himself while letting you drive past him.

Everyone's attention is focused on you just as you easily laid the ball through the hoop. Upon doing so, loud cheers were then heard, and it looked as if you had won the lottery or something.

"Damn what did I do?" 


After the training, the coach gave you some motivating words for overcoming your trauma with him boldly predicting that you might average 20 points a game again.

Even though you think you still hadn't gotten over that fear, you appreciate your coach's confidence and care towards you. he may be annoying sometimes but he sure as hell cares for his players very much.

While changing to your casual clothes before going home, Jun and the others invited you to come with them to eat at a restaurant. You were about to accept their offer when you saw your phone filled with missed calls from IVE's manager.

Seeing this you called the manager back, fortunately, he immediately picked up.

"Y/n can you come here to the IVE's dorm quickly if you are currently free?"The manager said with a hint of worry in his tone.

Noticing that there is something wrong, you immediately excused yourself from your teammates and hastily exit the locker room.

You arrived at IVE's dorm and saw a few of the staff standing outside. Once they saw you, they opened the dorm door for you to get inside. Upon entering, you were greeted by their Manager who is clearly relieved to see you finally come. You also noticed the girls weren't present in the living room, which made you curious about the reason why you were called.

"Sorry for asking you to come Y/n, but Wonyoung is having a fever right now and we don't have staff to spare at the moment because all of them are busy," the Manager explained the situation to you.

"So, can you take care of her for a bit until we return?"

"Oh, of course, I can do that if you trust me to do it," you said, making IVE's manager smile.

"It doesn't matter whether I trust you or not. The girls already requested you to take care of her, meaning they deeply have trust in you" the manager said making Y/n blush for a bit.

"Wonyoung is in her room, so please accompany her, she is scared of being alone," the manager said now preparing to leave while you head to Wonyoung's room.

Upon entering, You saw Wonyoung peacefully resting on her bed. luckily it seems like the Manager already prepared the things that you will need to take care of her.

Wonyoung woke up due to the noise you unintentionally created while sorting the medicines out, smiled weakly upon seeing you.

"Oppa," she said weakly but loud enough for you to hear.

"Wony just stay in your bed alright? I'll take care of you until your Manager arrives ok" you said, while putting out an infrared thermometer to check her temperature.

"38.1 degrees celsius my god" 

You then soak a towel in the water, squeezing the excess water out, and placed it on her head. 

"Y/n-Oppa you won't leave me right?." Wony asked you, weakly holding your hand.

"Don't worry Wony, I'm not gonna leave until there is someone that will accompany you here." you said, assuring Wonyoung that she will not be alone.

While you were just scrolling through your phone while occasionally checking on her, she then told you that she is feeling hungry, hearing this you immediately head to the kitchen, with Wonyoung's permission, of course, so check if they have the ingredients required for you to make a soup.

After making the soup and putting it in the bowl,  you return to her room and helped her sit up.

"Oppa can you feed me, I really don't have the energy myself to lift the spoon." She said leaving you no choice but to feed her.

While you were feeding her, Wonyoung will occasionally say her thanks to you for taking care of her which you replied by just simply saying "You're welcome" and "it's no big deal".

Wonyoung on the other hand, may not be feeling well on the outside, but on the inside, her heart was definitely filled with affection towards you at the very moment.

"I feel bad for Liz and Rei,

because I will definitely be  the one who will take Y/n's heart"

 (A/n: so all the three possible love interest has been revealed.

are you a part of 

Team Rei?

Team Liz?
Team Wonyoung?

xD )

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