Chapter 11

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"Alright, that's enough," Yujin said, with a tired voice due to the fact that they have been practicing for a whole day.

With their mini-concert for Japan coming fast, the girls have been practicing a lot of stages that include covers and of course their own songs. Currently, they are now watching videos of their dance practices with their choreographer, who's pleased with how synched the girls are in dancing.

But two girls caught her attention the most because of their improvement in terms of stage presence.

"Rei, Liz you guys are doing great on your parts, keep it up!!!" The choreographer praised Liz and Rei who smiled to hear the compliment.

"Oh, it's probably because of Y-" Leeseo tried to tease her unnies again but Gaeul was there to stop her.

"~Oh it's because of someone? that's why you two are now showing these charms you guys haven't shown before~? the choreographer teased the two, making them blush heavily.

"I- I ju-just want to show that I-i can be confident on stage too," Liz said while covering her face to hide the blush.

"I want to show my charms to the guy I like because my rivals for him are very determined too," Rei said confidently, making the other girls cheer for him with the exception of Liz who now lost confidence due to Rei's sudden declaration.

"Do I even have a chance against Wonyoung and Rei?"

Yujin on the other hand saw that Wonyoung is also cheering for Rei, asked Wonyoung something.

"You know she is one of your rivals right? You're not threatened?" Yujin asked her best friend who simply chuckled.

"Why wouldn't I? Rei and Liz are gaining confidence because of Y/n and I'm happy about it." Wonyoung face then turns into a serious one

"But I'm still gonna do my best to win Y/n's heart since my fondness towards him has grown ever since he took care of me when I was sick," Wonyoung said, smiling again.

"What I'm feeling towards y/n is something more special than a friendship. But, I never would have thought that I would feel this way towards him, but I have to accept that this is real. I know that both Liz and Rei share the same thought, and that's all right with me. All I want is for the three of us to be fair to each other, and that no matter what happens next, it won't affect how we look at ourselves as friends like before all this had happened. I may be competing alongside them to win his heart, but that shouldn't be a reason for me to neglect how much I care for them as a good big sister would."

Hearing this, Yujin smiled, realizing her best friend have matured so much.

"Well, That's all I needed to hear Wony, as long your relationship with them won't get strained then I will be fine with it... Sooo go get them girl! I support you all the way." Yujin said, hugging Wonyoung who reciprocated the hug.

Their choreographer who's really curious about the mystery guy who managed to get Liz and Rei's affection asked the other girls about your identity.

Meanwhile, IVE's Manager whose suspicions were confirmed by Rei herself, just smiled as he continue to quietly listen to the girl's discussion.

"Uhm, Sir should we tell them to stop meeting Y/n?" one of his staff asked him.

"Why would we? Have you been listening to their conversation? Liz and Rei improved because of their feelings towards Y/n. and for christ's sake, they are still young. and it's natural for girls at their age to fall in love and I won't stop them from experiencing it." IVE's manager said, making the other staff respect him even more.

But one thing lingers in the manager's mind 

"Does Y/n even like one of them?"
"Y/N L/N!!! THAT GOOD-LOOKING IMPORT FOR THE SAMSUNG THUNDERS?!!"  the choreographer screamed.

"Unnie calm down there are other staff here," Gaeul said to the choreographer while she apologize to the staff who are present who just laugh at the choreographer's reaction.

The choreographer then took time to calm herself and asked the girls how they managed to meet you.

The girls especially Liz, narrated how they managed to meet you, from you treating them in the lotte world to you taking care of Wonyoung while she was sick.

Hearing those compliments the girls are showering you, the choreographer deduced that you are indeed a good man.



"ACHOO!" you sneezed while warming up for another scrimmage.

"Bless you, my guy, don't get sick," Jun said, who's also warming up beside you.


It was now time for the girls to head home. However, one of them is feeling conflicted ever since she found out that her best friend also likes the same person whom she admires. With this, Liz gathered up her courage and decided to talk to Rei in private.

Upon arriving at a more secluded place, Liz started talking about how important Rei has been to her since they were trainees. she told Rei that she thinks that she wouldn't be able to debut if it wasn't for Rei supporting her along the way.

Still, Liz made certain to remind her that she will not give up her feelings towards you, even if their friendship might get tested because of it. Hearing her words only made Rei laugh, however, for she felt like Liz simply took the words right out of her. Suffice to say, they were now keen on winning your heart, with both of them willing to do their best to do so.

"~Darling, no one is telling you to give up~," Rei said while holding Liz hands, who's now crying.

"I don't want it to affect our friendship," Liz said, making Rei feel touched knowing that even though they're rivals now, Liz still wants them to remain close like before.

"~Yah! You're still gonna be my darling, nothing's gonna change that~" Rei said hugging Liz in the process.

"~But, you have to be content with the time I give you when Y/n-Oppa and I starts dating~," Rei said, teasing Liz who just laughs at her sudden declaration of victory.

"No, It is YOU who needs to be content about the time I give you when Y/n-Oppa and I start dating" Liz fires back while laughing.

After that, the two return to the rest of the members while holding hands assured that no matter who wins, their bond and friendship will never be changed and broken.

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