Chapter 23

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"Da-date?!!!" You stammered trying to process what Rei just said with your face turning red which made Rei giggle.

"~Come on Oppa we haven't done anything yet your face is red already~," She said, teasing you in the process. You tried laughing off the embarrassment you're feeling right now when Rei softly held your left hand.

"Don't be shy Oppa because after this day I think you will probably view me differently than before." She said, flashing you a smile that can make a lot of fans faint on the spot.

"~So Let's get this date started Oppa! As you and I are gonna go have some fun together!!!~" she said as she dragged you inside the park.


Jun is watching your interaction with Rei and he knows that Rei is definitely in love with you but deep inside he is lowkey jealous that you managed to get an idol group to like you and wishes that the group that he likes will someday notice him as well as IVE noticed you.

"Man, I hope ITZY will notice me someday.....I'm gonna train harder and produce some wins while Y/n is rehabbing and I'm gonna dominate in the KBL. It's going to be hard without Y/n of course but I believe in my skill to carry this team for two months." he thought to himself, determined to not pressure you to return immediately.

But come on we know he doing this so he can be acknowledged by ITZY LMAOOOOOOOOOO.

*EHEM* let's get back to the story


"Damn Rei you cooked all of this?" You asked, clearly amazed at the food Rei was putting on the blanket she brought.

"~Of Course, I cooked all of them so you better eat them all OK?~" She said cutely but you can't help to feel a little bit threatened since you think you can't possibly eat all this food she prepared.

But men will be men and you definitely won't let Rei's effort to cook for you be underappreciated. Fortunately, all of the food Rei prepared was delicious as you managed to eat all of them, sharing them with Rei of course, which made Rei very happy.

"Seriously Rei you would make a good wife someday," You said while smiling which made Rei's heart beat like crazy.

"I-is that so?" She asked, asking for your confirmation that you nodded immediately.

"Yes!!! I think every boy or even girl would want to have you as their wife someday but don't rush it ok? you have a lot of time ahead of you so you should enjoy your life to the fullest." You answered while helping Rei pack the things you used in the picnic... but Rei was feeling a little bit conflicted about your answer.

" How can't I rush these feelings Oppa when you're only gonna probably be here for a year?" She thought to herself, trying to shake her lingering sadness of you potentially leaving next year.


You and Rei continued your date by doing some cute stuff like riding the swing and see-saw. Luckily there are few people in the park right now so you and Rei are on your usual selves.

And just like that now you and Rei and some other people are sitting on your respective blankets to stargaze in the middle of the night. This lowkey surprised you as you didn't know that Rei was into stargazing but in reality

You didn't know that she was gathering all the courage she could get to confess what she feel about you right here and right now.

"But how can I start this topic with him? I don't wanna shock him all of a sudden" she asked herself, trying her best to think of a strategy to smoothly enter her confession while your oblivious ass was busy looking at the beautiful stars in the middle of the night.

Mustering up all the courage she could get. she then called your name making you look at her.

"Hmmm? Why Rei is there a problem?" You asked Rei, who did a nervous smile.

"Uhmm I-uh ju-just want to ask you wha-what do you think of our date today!!!!!?" She asked you, borderline screaming at you which made you shiver a bit.

Rei realized what she had done was dying inside "Congrats self you just made the guy you like fear you," she thought to herself, mentally scolding herself for this weird tension building up.

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have fun today. I really appreciate this kind gesture from you Rei. I really do." You said making you a little bit emotional.

"Life's been hard for me you know, I feel like every time I take one step forward it's like fate itself is doing something to make it harder for me to take another one. I'll treat everyone very nicely and give them the respect they rightfully deserve. I trained hard every day so that one day I could be in the NBA as a professional basketball player but yet here I am...... injured again" You said, tears falling into your eyes, unknowingly making Rei shed some tears too.

"Right now think all of my will and desire to pursue this dream of mine is gone.... I think I'm just a broken man emotionally and physically." You said while wiping your tears.

"That's why I am reti-"

"Don't you say that word Y/n" Rei cut you off from saying that word with you noticing that she was also crying.

She firmly held your hand and continued.

"I won't let you, not cut that WE won't let you give up on your dreams Y/n. I know it's only been a few months since we met but all of us in our group believe you can make it because we believe you got what it takes. So what if you get injured again? You survived two grueling injuries for two consecutive years! and yet here you are, fighting... because that's been you since you started playing basketball, a fighter, despite you're small stature compared to others, you managed to get that 5-star rank rating from those scouts alongside all those giants in your class" She said, making you surprised.

"You know my career in the States?" you asked.

"The other girls know it too cuz we researched it. that's why We can't let you give up because that's not the you that we know

And certainly not the you that I fell in love with" She said finally letting her feelings out in the open.

"Wha-what?! Si-since when?" You asked, surprised by this sudden confession with her just smiling at you sweetly.

"Ever since you protected me from those clowns in that haunted house. at first, I thought that what I was feeling was just a simple crush but as time went on I finally realized that I really, really, really like you." she said, hugging you in the process.

"So don't give up on your dreams Oppa. even if the whole world turns its back on you.

"Me and the other members of my group will always be there to cheer you on." Rei said, making you cry while reciprocating her hug and repeatedly muttering the word

"Thank you".


After that emotional moment, you and Rei remained silent until IVE's manager called to tell Rei that it was time to come home. You being the gentleman you are, escorted her toward the IVE dorm.

As you two are walking silently on the busy streets of Seoul, it is now time for you to gather up your courage to talk to Rei....... Noticing this she Immediately stopped you from speaking by running in front of you..

"~Well Oppa if you're gonna ask me about the confession I made earlier then I'm afraid I won't be answering your question... Because that would be unfair to my other member who has the same feelings for you~" She said, surprising you even more.

"Wh-?" You tried asking who the other member was but Rei lightly tapped her finger on your lips, signaling you to be silent.

"~Don't be surprised now Oppa, Who knows maybe all of us likes you the way I do~," Rei said, now back to her teasing personality.

"So I suggest you stop being oblivious to our advances from now on PABO!!!~" She said, as she held your hand making you blush in the process as you two made your way to IVE's dorm.


Meanwhile, at Incheon Airport a certain guy has just arrived in South Korea by the order of his boss to take a closer look at you. Luckily, his contracted employee who will be working for him as his translator in this country greeted him.

"Welcome to South Korea! Head scout of the Golde-" The translator was about to greet him but the guy cut him off.

"Correction, it's Assistant General Manager now," The guy said making the translator repeat his greetings.

"Welcome to South Korea! Assistant General Manager of the Golden State Warriors

Mike Dunleavy Jr." Hearing this kind gesture, Dunleavy Jr. Smiled and replied

"Well Lets get to work."

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