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The clock ticked louder with every second that passed, slowly switching from worry to anger. Finnick and Ron waited in complete silence for Librae and Mags to walk into the room with any news about Olive's condition. However, the more they waited, the worse they expected the news to be.

One day had passed with no news. There were a couple of hours left until sunset, when the visit hours ended, letting them stay in the waiting room without having to get into a fight with the guards of the hospital. No one needed another show like the one they had pulled the day before. So those who talked to the doctors had to be the calmest and collected of the group, Mags and Librae.

From time to time, Piscia and Cario appeared, apologising for not being able to stay longer since their duties required them to be up and about in the Capitol. Both victors didn't mind their absence that much. It meant less time spent faking their Capitol behaviours.

The doors burst open, revealing an apparently unbothered Librae, and a worried Mags. Ron and Finnick got up from their seats, going towards them as the two female victors walked inside the room.

"She's stable, for now," Librae announced, worrying the two men even more than they already were. They opened their mouths, trying to ask a million questions. However, she stopped them by raising a hand in front of them. "I know little. It seems the Gamemakers overdid it this year while creating those mutts. The venom still lingers in her body. And it's probable it will for a long time."

"What do you mean by 'a long time'?" Finnick asked, glancing from Librae to Mags, who walked to his side, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Will she be OK?"

"They don't know it themselves. The venom was strong, way too strong. It's a miracle she survived the first time, let alone the second. Some doctors say she might have a similar reaction to the first time and will lose some of her memories. But others fear it might go to a greater length the more the venom stays in her body." Librae explained, taking her hands to her hips while exhaling drowsily. No one had slept a wink since the day Olive survived.

"Can't they clean her blood or something?" Ron questioned, brushing his lips with two fingers anxiously.

"They didn't mention anything when I asked, so I'm guessing they thought about it. But, or they aren't allowed to, or they can't do it at the moment," Librae answered, taking a few seconds to breathe in and out deeply. "Worst of it all is, if the venom stays in her body any longer, her mind might identify these amnesic attacks after stressful moments as a normal thing. That means the next time she gets in a stressful situation, she might forget again. And they don't know how much she'll forget. Perhaps a year more than the last time. Two. Three. Everything. Maybe she won't even remember her name the moment she wakes up."

"So . . . she might forget who she is? Her family? Her home?" Finnick asked, too stunned to make any sense of the situation. Forgetting him, the Games, and the training, he could understand that. But forgetting the only people she had fought for was way too cruel. Not only to her family, but to Olive herself as well. Just how confused she would be. No memory at all. However, she'd have four people calling themselves her family, telling her all sorts of stories she wouldn't be able to recall at all, and calling her a name that she didn't know of.

Olive would be gone. The girl that made him forget his nightmares. The one that had allowed him to have a peaceful night of sleep. If she lost all her memories, it wouldn't be too different from her having died in the arena. The Olive he knew would be gone completely. His heart hurt at the sole thought of losing her. What had they done for this to happen? Both played by the rules. Why did they have to be punished like that?

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