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The reflection in the mirror showed the same person she was expecting to find; a young, confused child with nothing except an earring for living proof of her remaining memories and a towel for clothes. She was alone, per her own petition. There were many things she had to process and very little time to discuss them with another person.

The highlights of her Hunger Games had just ended, allowing her to go back to the fourth floor in the Training Centre. It was true Finnick had explained everything, but she still couldn't believe what she had seen. Despite the pain, the loss, and the fear, she'd found a friend, or perhaps even more, in the Arena. Someone she had ended up trusting blindly, and she had lost him. She had lost Jackson to the Arena, to the Mutts, even to her own memory.

How could the death of someone she couldn't even remember make her feel so pathetic? Like she had been the one to lose despite surviving the Games. And then there was the kiss, which she had shown not to mind that much.

A kiss in the Arena . . . Were we in love? Were we mad? Olive thought, running her fingers through her hair. The hot air, mixed with the warm water running down her body, made her feel uncomfortable. She needed to go somewhere open. Somewhere she could breathe with ease.

The towel that she had wrapped around her body fell to the floor, permitting her eyes to see through the foggy mirror her still male body. At least something was just as she remembered. A sigh escaped her lips as she leaned on the sink, her hands clenching onto the marble. Too many emotions to make out in a brief span of time.

Using her little knowledge about how her room worked, Olive decided to wear the simplest clothes she could find in her wardrobe and made her way out of the room towards the flight of stairs. She expected to be received by such a strong wind that it would knock her to the floor, but no such thing happened.

Barely visible transparent walls protected her from the outside. Surely, one of the many ways the Capitol had to keep the Tributes from killing themselves. With a hand on the bannister, and a deep breath every few steps, Olive kept going up until she reached the rooftop.

As she pushed the door open, a chilly breeze engulfed her, making her regret not having brought a jacket. Either way, she wouldn't be there for too long, so she still stepped outside, meeting an unexpected person's eyes.

"Good to know that some things never change," Finnick said, walking in her direction with a spare jacket in hand. "Don't even try to deny. I already have one and I'm fine. You're one step away from shivering."

Olive looked at him doubtfully but still accepted the jacket gratefully, leaving it over her shoulders. "What are you doing up here?"

"Couldn't sleep. You?" He asked, turning to watch the Capitol's lights.

"Something like that, too." Without thinking, Olive followed Finnick to the side, where they had a better view of the many lights and buildings surrounding them. A thought made her chuckle, causing her mentor's curiosity to spike. "I was just thinking this place is nothing like home. My family must be surrounded by darkness right now. I wonder if they've even slept a wink since I left."

"And take their eyes off of you? No way. It's too dangerous. Who knows what you might do if you're left alone for too long?" Even though it was supposed to be a joke, Olive noticed something about how Finnick spoke. A sort of seriousness, yet worry, filled his eyes and shook his voice. It was so soft that it was easy to miss it.

"I'm not a child, Finnick. I think my time in the Arena proved I can take perfect care of myself."

His eyes became glued to hers, letting a couple seconds of silence pass by. "Sure. And I'm a redhead."

AMNESIAC || Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now