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The clock's discussion had gone on for too long, to the point Olive voluntarily walked off. Wiress' song was mildly annoying, and so it was Beetee's mumbles for the 'wire', whatever he meant besides Wiress, who stood by his side on the sand. She didn't go too far away. Only a few metres towards the treeline. Somewhere that the water could never reach and the plants all around made her mother's voice appear in her mind, telling her not to approach anything she didn't know for certain.

"My name's Olive Navin Cresta," she mumbled, her fingers tracing a pattern on the sand. "I'm twenty-three years old. My family is in District Four. I'm in the Hunger Games." Then, like time had frozen, she paused, going over what she remembered. Concretely, what she had been doing the past minutes or perhaps hours. "What am I doing on the treeline by myself?"

"You forgot?" Johanna stopped right in front of her feet, snapping Olive's attention out of her surprise.

"No, Johanna—"

Olive couldn't finish talking as Johanna turned her head over her shoulder to check on the rest of the group, who made sure Katniss wasn't too bothered with the recent bickering—almost fighting off—with her. "How much? 'Cause if it's like some hours, I'll keep it from Finnick. If it's more, I'll force you to tell him yourself."

"I'm not sure." Olive sighed. "When did I walk off? I remember Katniss saying something about the Arena being a clock... then... it's all a blur."

As if sighs were as contagious as yawns, Johanna allowed herself to relax and sigh softly. "Good. Not much then." She turned her head back to Olive, flashing her a side smirk, but her eyes not concealing her genuine worry in front of her friend. "You better get up. Finnick wants us on the move. We're gonna check out if brainless over there—" she pointed at Katniss "—is right about this whole clock thing from the Cornucopia."

Right after regrouping, the seven of them took off towards the Cornucopia through the closest sand strips. Just as imagined, the entire place was deserted except for the weapons from the very first day. There were no signs of the Careers ever having come back, nor that they would have had the time to do so since they were still on the second day.

"Clean it, will you?" Peeta asked Wiress, placing the wire in her hands as Beetee lay in the bit of shade in the Cornucopia.

Like a child, or an extremely affected adult, Wiress nodded and scampered to the water's edge, where she began to sing while proceeding with her definition of cleaning; dumping the coil into the water.

"Oh, not the song again," said Johanna, rolling her eyes. "That went on for hours before she started tick-tocking."

"And what's going on now?" Olive asked, watching Wiress stand up straight out of the blue and point at the jungle.

"Two," said Wiress, pointing somewhere in the jungle, which had just begun to be eaten up by the fog.

Katniss nodded. "Yes, look, Wiress is right. It's two o'clock, and the fog has started."

"Like clockwork," added Peeta. "You were very smart to figure that out, Wiress."

"Oh, she's more than smart," corrected Beetee. "She's intuitive." All eyes turned to him, who nobody had actually expected to hear from any time soon. "She can sense things before anyone else. Like a canary in one of your coal mines."

Olive had to admit that not even her lurking curiosity over the bird or why it was even brought to the coal mines could maintain her attention in the conversation. She just picked up words. Warn. Air. Die. Weapons. Restock.

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