𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷: 𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓽𝓸𝓻

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A/n: You're all going to hate me after this part

I came to school on time on Monday. I wasn't late and I was in a pretty good mood because I finally felt like I could fix everything again.

But when I opened the school door and saw all the looks of my classmates, I knew something had gone wrong again.

"Oh my God Nancy, you won't believe this" Barbara ran up to me with a serious face.

"What? What's wrong Barb?"

“I think you'd better come take a look.
I nodded and followed to the lockers in front of which other students were already.

I carefully made my way through them to see what they were having so much fun with.

My sight fell on my locker splattered with swear words and drawings.

"Is that....?"

"Yeah, I am so sorry Nancy…" Barb said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I...I don't understand"

“Nancy… everyone at school already knows that.

"Knows what?"

"That you like girls..."

"Excuse me?" I screamed. It's not true. How could this happen. I didn't tell anyone...


"Shit! Shit. He's such an asshole"



"What does this have to do with Steve?"

"He started this rumor...it's not true"

"Okay...well in that case you have to go see the principal,but you should go see Robin at first."

"Why Robin?"

“From what you just told me, Steve told everyone that you were dating Robin…Nancy, she didn't seem too happy about it"

Fuck fuck fuck Everything went to shit again.

I started to feel like everything was falling apart again. My stomach turned upside down and my hands started shaking.

"Wheeler!" I hear the girl I've been in love with all these years yell at me from the other side of the corridor.
She was angry. Very angry.

She ran closer to me and squeezed my hand tightly.

"Why do you tell everyone that we have something together? You hate me so much that you have to ruin my life even in high school?"

"Robin I-"

"I'm not done yet. You know what hell I went through in elementary school because of you, because you're so rude and you always have to be interesting."

Her hand kept holding me stronger and stronger. It reminded me of how my father held me so tightly when he gave me a lecture about what a bad daughter I was.

"Why? Why can't you just leave me alone Nancy? I tried to forget everything, I thought you had changed, but apparently you still feel the need to destroy my life"

I couldn't even say a word. Everyone was looking at me. But, I couldn't even move. Tears welled up in my eyes. All this just because I trusted one person who I thought cared about me.

"You and me? We're fucking done. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore, you understand?"

She said and left without another word.
Barbara was still holding my shoulders.

"Nancy, calm down"

My heart started beating too fast. I couldn't even breathe. Barabara knew it was bad, very bad.

"Nancy calm down okay? Breathe with me okay? Focus on my breathing"

I heard her but didn't understand a word she just said to me.

The moment I barely stood on my feet, I wanted to disappear. Forever. I didn't want to be here for another damn minute.

I don't remember the following seconds. I only remember how I fell to the ground, and the voice of my best friend screaming for help.


I woke up to the voices I heard. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a light above me. I was in the hospital,again. A person was sitting in front of me, holding my hand.

"Mom?" I said slowly and quietly.

"Hi sweetie, it's fine,you are okay" mom stroked my hair and smiled.

"What  happened?"

"The principal called...he told me that you passed out. And he also told me about what happened before...you lost consciousness."

Just not that. Please, just not that.

"Nancy, your father is on his way and will want to talk to you"

"No no no just please no. Not him"

"I will be with you all the time. Only together will we find a solution to this situation"

"Mom, please, I don't want to find any solution, mom, I don't want to!"

My voice began to break again.

"Nancy calm down, nothing bad will happen"

"No, I don't want.."

"You don't want what?"

Be alive.

"I don't want you to deal with it. It was all just one big misunderstanding. It's not true"

Mom didn't say anything, she just stroked my hand again.

"What, huh? You think it's true, ? You think I'm sick right? Say it! Say it, mom"

"Nancy..you know that's not true."

At that moment, the doctor came into the room because I was very upset and my heart started beating too fast again.

"Ma'am,I will ask you to leave, your daughter needs to rest for a while"

The doctor said and closed the door behind mom. They gave me an injection in my arm to calm me down.

But I couldn't believe what Steve did to me. I need to see him as soon as I get home.

𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫,𝐲𝐨𝐮//𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now