Spring of Love (Kore, aka Persephone)

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Persephone, member of the Greek pantheon and wife to Hades, ruler of the dead, felt the anguish of the world. Her heart felt constricted, tears slowly falling down her cheeks. She didn't know why she even started to cry but she needed to find out just why she started to cry. So she closed her eyes, concentrating her powers over nature to find out exactly why she started crying.

"By the gods…" She whispered out, a gasp escaped from her lips as she now fully understood why she started to cry. The one man who she could honestly say was more of a man than her husband could ever be, was on the brink of entering the realm of the man she was married to. Contrary to what her mythology stated in historic books, she hated Hades with a passion. The man had taken her free will from her, never allowing her to do as she pleased.

Thankfully, however, even through this horrendous course of events, she managed to find a solution to everything. She could get out of her loveless marriage with Hades and be with a man that would truly appreciate her for who she was and not for what she was. And her connection to the man felt even deeper, all thanks to his love for plants as well.

"There must be something I could do…" The goddess whispered, her voice filled with worry and dread. She didn't want to wait long for the man to suffer or worse, die from his current injuries. She could feel the sadness and agony through her entire being, feeling just how the plant life wailed in pain.

She sat on her bed, her mind wondering just how she should approach this situation. She had never interacted with the man before and apart from what she knew from stories that Hercules and Ares would often tell, she knew nothing of the man. But he intrigued her and made her want to approach him and do things with the injured man, things that she would have never approached Hades.

"Maybe my healing powers can work" She muttered aloud, guessing that with her connection to plant life she could be able to heal the man. Maybe using pheromones with healing properties may do the work. She stood up, a smile in place as she relaxed her arms slightly. "See you soon, Peter Parker…"

With those words stated, she used her divine powers to teleport her to the hero's location. She already knew what she needed to do to be able to make him hers. The room was left empty, a couple of leaves falling slowly to the ground. A sign of her powers having been used.

Time Skip; At New York's Community Hospital

She had arrived into the room, her eyes gaining slight sadness at the sight before her. The man had his eyes closed, the required machines connected to his body to help him stay alive. And while she may not like just how current technology was, she knew that it has helped various people around the world.

"Here we go then…" She sat down on the nearest chair, resting her arms against her bosom as she began to close her eyes and start to concentrate on trying to heal the hero. She could feel her connection to the flora, the gentle yet aggressive feeling that nature always brought to her. She began to manipulate it, gathering the pheromones needed to try and heal the man.

"You know…" The male voice caught her off guard. She looked to the sides, immediately looking at a blonde male standing near the door of the room. "He's here because of me…" She raised a brow at his words. Being a goddess, she knew more times than not that not everything was at it seems. Probably the man had something to do with the hero being in the hospital. But more times than not, it was the guilt talking. "I won't be able to forgive myself if he dies…"

Kore, the real name of Persephone, didn't say anything. She opted to concentrate on being able to heal the heavily injured hero. Though she would be lying if she said that she didn't want to lash out at the man. She wanted to send him to the depths of Hades' realm and leave him there to suffer for eternity. But she was too concentrated on her current task to care about anything else.

"So… you caused this?" She decided to at least ask the question in her mind. It was unreal to believe that the man in the room with her could cause this to a seasoned hero. There must be something that she still didn't know. Something that was going to answer whichever doubt she still had about the man.

"Not on purpose…" She hummed a bit, her eyes glancing between the blonde haired man and the hero laid down on the stretcher. Now that she saw the two of them, they were almost identical except for the hair color. "He was helping me, fighting a villain that I was facing…" Kore immediately remembered a specific conversation she had with Hercules. He had told her of many adventures he had gone on with his fellow heroes. One of which he told her about Spider-Man and his clones. And noticing even more similarities between the two, she could safely guess that the man was one of the hero's clones. "He protected me… And it almost costed my brother's life…"

Persephone stayed silent, her tired eyes covered by her lengthy black hair. That statement was all she needed to hear to confirm that the man was in fact Spider-Man's clone. She sighed, noticing how even her powers were not even doing much to heal the man. The injuries haven't even started to heal, which made her feel quite useless.

"I'll leave you with him. He chose a great woman to be with..." Her pale skin turned red at the comment. She felt honored to be mistaken for the hero's lover, but it was way too soon to even say those words. So she stayed quiet, her mind unable to refute the statement. He was slowly becoming more appealing to her. The fact that she was even here with him and healing him, should have been more than enough for her to know that she was feeling something more for the arachnid hero.

And then she heard the door shut close, with Kore standing up and approaching him. He looked so fragile now... It hurted her heart to see him in such a state. Her feelings became stronger and stronger each second that passed by. Her heart couldn't wait any longer. It ached against her chest, making her love the feeling it had in her body. It was something strange yet very pleasing. She wanted to experience this feeling more.

"I'm waiting for you… My hero…" Her whisper was soft and full of love. She really didn't think that she would even experience the feeling of love. She had renounced to feelish such emotion the day she got married to Hades. But here she was, pouring her heart out to the man who had gained her attention and the man who had stolen her heart. She wanted to create something beautiful with him, which she hoped she would gain the chance to do.

"A-And... I'll... be... here..." Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at Peter, his eyes still closed. His voice sounded so weak, his whisper bringing joy to her pained heart. She gasped softly as he began to flutter his eyes weakly. And then she started to cry again, not being able to control the tears that started to drip down her pale green skin. "So… Herc was… not lying… about… your beauty…"

"Please don't strain yourself..." She pleaded, her smile widening a bit. She chuckled slightly at his sentence, thinking about a way to thank Hercules after everything was said and done. It was probably thanks to the Demi-God turned into God of Strength that she actually had a chance with the mortal hero. "We'll talk later, alright? Just rest for now..."

"O... k..." She kissed his forehead, a light green mark left on the forehead of the one that had stolen her love. She would take care of him as long as she needed to. She needed to be by his side, a need to be able to finally be able to feel love in her heart. So she would wait for him, to be able to have the life she desperately wants to live.

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