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My heels clicked loudly on the floor as I walked through the hallway of Nepule Building co-operation . Before stepping into the elevator I could feel eyes on me ,some with admiration and others with envy.People's impression mattered less to me,I was proud of my achievement which I undeniably worked hard to archive.

   My personal assistant rushes in with my cup of coffee as I step into my office."Morning Miss Asido"he greeted to which he I replied with a nod while sipping my coffee. "Morning Timi can you reach out to Green dynasty,we need to put final touches to the contract"he replied with an affirmative before walking out.cup of coffee in hand I took strides to the window which overlooks the beautiful city of new .

This was my favorite part of my office,I loved the view that connected me to the busy streets of New

There was something about this place that kept me on the edge of excitement , I will never know if it's the busy streets or the people that walked with so much agility like they didn't have a bit of time to spare.
    It gave an air of a place filled with ambitious personalities.Inhaling a deep breath,I think of how this city reminds of Lagos, Nigeria.

The two cities where continents apart yet they gave me a similar rush of adrenaline.Both flame a different fire of success in me. Drifting my mind to how far I have grown from a timid young Nigerian girl to a woman of confidence.
The ringing of my phone interrupted my train of thoughts."Morning mum" I greeted immediately."Asian morning, your coming home for Christmas right" she barely let me reply before rambling on "I miss you, your dad misses you too. Mrs Adebayo's children were home for vacation just a few weeks ago.Please come home " she said all at once while faking a cry.

I mentally rolled my eyes with a smile,typical of my mom to emotionally blackmail to get whatever she wanted. "I promise I will " I muttered, escalated she continued with random conversations before hanging not without a "Take care of yourself Asian, make sure you eat " I smiled at hearing her call me by my native middle name .
     Working in one of the biggest building construction company in New York city gave me a busy schedule leaving no time for little vacations and travels.But this year is going to be different, looks like I will be going home after all
The telephone rings"Calliandra Asian Asido on the line".

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