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       "Seriously "Adelani" I have never heard of that one. What does it mean?" I asked Jamal curious about his Yoruba name. He turned from the pot to look at me,"well it means we own the crown. My grandpa gave me the name" he concluded before turning back to add spices to the meal on fire. currently we are in his apartment where he boasted about being a better cook than I ,so he is currently trying to prove it. I take a bite from my apple before continuing "so you're like a king or what. It sounds really powerful,"Adelani", anyways that means I can call you "Ade" or "Lani". Both sound cute and nice" .

  Jamal's or should I say Ade's jellof rce was actually very delicious. Even though I hate admit ,it was really delicious. I just had to admit the truth to the proud man , inflaming his ego even more. "So we need to talk" Jamal stared deep into my eyes with seriousness, I nodded urging him to continue . "It about us. I really want this relationship to be more than just fucking. Cally, I like you..I really do. I'm not even a relationship person but I want to give us a try" he reached for my hand " I want to know you Cally and make this work. But the question is what do you want?".
"I also want to give us a chance. Get to know you better and see how this work out". I smile at him ,Jamal leans in for a kiss. I was really invested in making this work even though I was with someone as bad as Asher . I was also willing to give someonelse a chance, just because your relationship with someone didn't work out or you had a bad patner doesn't mean you should judge everyone by your past experiences. Life it's short yet filled with opportunities,try that relationship you think will be healthy and if it works out good for you. But if it doesn't , that's still fine,if you're patner is shitty...Then move on,it's their lost .

     "It's a woman's body,she should be allowed to have the choice to keep the baby or not" I half screamed at Jamal. "Don't raise your voice baby girl. Yeah it's her body but technically abortion is murder and don't say it's not yet a baby because that's how we were all formed. Those little fetus should also have a right to live."he explained. "I disagree, nobody is going to help take care of them. It's only the woman who has the right to decide,she knows if she would be able to provide that baby with what he needs. And it's not just basic amenities,Is she mentally prepared to raise a child properly? Parenting goes beyond more than just providing food. There shouldn't be more nusiance running around the society because of failed parenthood which could have been avoided by abortion. If a man is allowed to deny a pregnancy,why can't a woman be allowed to decide if she wants to go through that journey of birthing another human being" I added.
"And the baby in the womb needs to be protected. That's a human being right there ,who could grow up and be anyone . There are so many great people in the world who could have been aborted but a change of mind turned out to be the best decision of a lifetime. I know what you're thinking and yes they are also criminals who could have been aborted but it's all two sides of the coin. That's how life is,if something isn't good then it's bad, you never know how that child will turn out but the deserve the right to be born. The law helps protect those babies and yes I support it except in some cases involved. A pregnant minor should be very well granted the right to terminate the pregnancy with permission from the guardian. A rape victim should never have to go through the trauma of having a child she would probably hate,and pregnancies that put the life of mother's at risk should also be considered. I respect your argument baby but the law would help people have protected sex and reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancy especially among teenagers"he argued .

" I respect your argument too and appreciate the fact that you considered victims of rape and health of women. But this law isn't going to help reduce unwanted pregnancy. It's only going to endanger the life of those young girls, because they would only be pushed into unsafe methods of arbotion and into the hands of quack doctors. I would personally not abort my child but it should always be a choice, nobody should ever be forced or feel pressured to keep a pregnancy. It's really going to do no one good,it's directly opening doors for a children may end up being badly raised because they were not wanted, because their mothers were not ready to have them. It should always be a woman's choice. Her body,her choice" I finished my speech .
"Like I said,I respect your argument but I'm still going to stick to my belief. But just so you know ,if you get pregnant. I don't know anything about raising a child but we are definitely keeping that pregnancy baby girl". he said with a corny smile. I laughed before replying"we are".

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