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      "Dinner date by 7pm , hope you love the dress".
   I smiled after reading the note that came with the delivery picking up the box i found my way into my apartment.Hastily I opened the box to reveal a beautiful glittery red dress ,it screamed expensive and classy.

Definetly something Asher would pick,it was really my colour but it was gorgeous.Asher and I have been dating for two years.A twenty -five year old good looking white man, just two years older than me .
He was very loving,we barely saw each other during the day even though we worked in the same company thanks to busy schedules.

      An hour and thirty minutes later ,l stared at my pretty brown skin reflection in the mirror . Perfect.Asher's text interrupted my moment and I quickly grabbed my purse before heading out.outside  an excited Asher smiled proudly  before pulling me into his arms ,"You look gorgeous babe" I smiled before chipping in "You look good" . undeniably he actually good in this tuxedo.Dinner was unsurprisingly in  a fancy restaurant , halfway into our meal Asher's phone chimed and he hastily grabbed it. "Everything okay "I asked ,"just work" he replied with an assuring smile.The rest of our night was uneventful with just us having lovers talks.

  As soon as Asher walked me to my door ,I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer for a kiss.He responded before surprisingly letting go, seeing the frown on my face he quickly murmured about some overdue paper works.Sadly I nodded , bitting my tongue from slipping out "It's weekend". His eyes bore mine before he wisphered "I love you" . "I love you too" came my reply and with that he was gone leaving me to a long lonely night.
   Saturdays are undeniably my favorite days .What better day to be lazy and idle after morning routines than a Saturday. Well this wasn't going to be an entirely idle day as I was going shopping with the girls. Stepping into the mall,I immediately spot two young ladies laughing admist the crowd,one was a beautiful black girl and the other a pretty blonde. smiling I find my way towards my two best friends , Anika and Tessa.The girls scream immediately I'm on sight causing a few glances to be thrown at our direction.

"Bitch I missed you" Anika screamed ,I laughed before replying "I missed you too bitch". A smile found it's way to her ebony face revealing her dimples. "I guessed I wasn't missed" Tessa said while pouting,her cute reaction pushed Anika and I into a round of laughter ."ofcourse I missed you my Chum Chum" I replied dragging her puffy cheeks.I might seem uptight but really I'm just a sweet soul who loves these two ladies

Tessa expectantly looked towards Anika,. "Girl we went grocery shopping together two days ago remember"Anika half yelled with an eye roll

."Must have skipped her mind "I chipped in .
Anika continued "And last night,l stopped by at your apartment but oddly you were out" Tessa expression went darker before quickly litting up with an explanation about being out with co-workers.I shrugged before Tessa quickly added "I'm starving "To that we all concoured and proceeded for lunch.

My Adelani Where stories live. Discover now