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              "Love. To some non existent,to some still a term they can't define . Every human being each with it's own explanation and believe on what love is . For me it's the way he looks at me and the way I look at him,the little talks we have together sometime with different opinions but respect each other's own it's the way he doesn't read books but listen to all my opinions on books of my favorite writers,the way he reads anything I write just like he will read this one.

  Love is the way l don't know anything about business and the stock market but I listen to his opinion about them. The way we fight and take space to calm down and talk things through . I could go on and on but the summary is when you ask me what love is , I only think about him and me ." Jamal smiles at me . I rub my hands nervously "What do you think? Is it a great way to end a book? " 

"No it's not a great way to end a book" . I felt my heart drop in disappointment" I know it's my first attempt on writing a book but I thought I would do better"  . Jamal looked at me amused "Cally,it's not a great way to end a book . It's a great way to start a book" . I leap to hug him .
"You should use this when you're writing about us" . "Right like our story, what would we call it ?" he shrugs " I don't know,we will figure that one out , right after we get out of this apartment so we don't miss our flight" .

      A vacation in Nigeria with both our families is what we both needed after the year we both had.
Then maybe when we get back I can finally start that story on us.

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