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    Silent, that's how I have been seating for the past few hours. The only time I moved was to group chat the girls thirty minutes ago. I know they will soon arrive , not like their presence would do anything to ache the hurt in my heart. My phone rings again for probably the hundredth time, same caller. Again, ignored.

The girls burst through the door and soon I was engulfed in hugs. "How could that bastard do this to you"Anika ranted . Tessa joined in "I really can't believe he could be capable of doing this.I'm really sorry,Cally " . "I Will so kick his ass" Anika said suddenly standing up. "He isn't worth it Ani" I managed to mutter. Tessa agreed and managed to calm Anika down. In truth Asher packer wasn't worth it.

      My doorbell rang, curious we all looked up. Anika made her way to door, turns out it was him.He stood there looking at me with guilt and remorse, I couldn't I was in love with this man standing in front of my appointment. Yet he betrayed me without a second thought after claiming to love and cherish me . "I just want to talk to clear things with Cally, please let me in" he pleaded. Suddenly I wanted to speak with him,to know why he did it. "Let him in" my voice silence the argument at the door , surprising everyone.
    "Why ?" I asked the man seated across me. After convincing the girls I will be alright,I had sat in silence listening to his sorries .But I just wanted an answer to one question which was "why?," "Cally"he started " I know what I did was wrong and I'm really sorry. I really don't why I did it and frankly I regret my actions,I'm just really sorry . His face showed remorse and it broke my heart to see him like this but how can I forgive him after the pain he caused me a few hours ago."Get out"I managed to mutter. "Cally" he started before I cut him off. "No, Just go I need some time apart. Please" He nodded understandly before making his way to the door ,he casts one last glance and then he was gone , leaving me with memories from a few hours ago.

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