Best Friend For Life

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As I opened the front door, I saw my sister standing there. I slammed the door open and hugged her as tightly as I could. It felt like forever since I had seen her and how much I missed her is beyond what any words can describe.

"Oh my God! I missed you so much" I cried out as I hugged her and held her in my arms.

"I missed you too, so much."

"Come in, come in. Ahhhh! I am so excited to see you."

"Where are my babies??"

"They are asleep. Do you want to see them?"

"Hell yes I do."

I walked her to the bedroom where they were asleep. Without hesitation she walked right up to them and gave them both a kiss. I knew that Jay wouldn't wake up because he was used to me kissing him all the time while he slept but Lilli has always been a very light sleeper. So the fact that she didn't wake up surprised me. I remember when she was younger and I would kiss her or touch her on the head to rub her hair she would immediately wake up.

"So tell me, what happened to Jayden?"

"I have no idea. He was sleeping fine and I checked on him a few times prior to when he stopped breathing. Everything was fine. He looked okay. Suddenly, when I walked into the room the last time I noticed that he was turning blue and that he wasn't bleeding. I completed CPR on him and he began to breathe by the time the ambulance arrived. After running a few tests, we found out that he has an heart defect and the only reason that he's even alive this far is because of the nurse."

"Wait, what nurse?"

"The nurse that kidnapped him after birth."

"Whattt? She saved his life? Why would she do that? She took him!"

"I don't know Aileen, none of this makes any sense to me. All I know is that if it wasn't for her my son would have been dead a long time ago."

"I don't understand! How did she even know that Jayden was sick??"

"Because they knew about his heart defect as soon as he was born but she switched his paperwork. When they gave me the other baby, they also gave me the paperworks which said it was Jaydens."

"So why does he need surgery now?"

"Well the medication only worked for so long. In order for his heart to function correctly, he needs to have surgery."

"But...he's so young. That's a very dangerous and complicated surgery."

"I know! That's why I am so worried. Plus now that Jake and I aren't a match, I'm literally terrified. He needs the surgery as soon as possible but we need to find a match first."

"Where do I get tested and how soon can I get it done?"

"But Aileen...what about your disorder?"

"I don't care. My nephews life come first."

"I can't let you do that. You know you're not allowed to donate blood. We have other people to ask, don't worry we'll find someone."

"I'm doing it. I can at least try. Madisyn... Jayden might need me."

The thing you don't know about Aileen is that she was born with a blood disease. Something must have gone wrong while my mom was pregnant with her and she ended up being born with hypercoagulable disorder. All that pretty much means is that she has a disorders when something goes wrong with a step in the clotting process. If the clotting process is flawed, there can be inappropriate and/or excessive blood clot formation. For this reason, it is highly dangerous for Aileen to bleed, even if it's just to donate blood. All of our lives we have done everything we possibly could to make sure she never gets hurt. Now you can just imagine how stressed out I was when the MWAF wanted to hurt her. I knew that a normal wound which most people would survive without an issue could become deadly for Aileen.

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