Jealousy Test

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No, no, no! This can't be happening. I must have fallen asleep while waiting and I was dreaming. "Oh God please let this be a dream" I said to myself. I'm sure he must have noticed by the look on my face that I was shocked.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean it that way. I just meant that I don't open up to anybody but with you it feels different."

"Oh thank God! I thought you were about to confess your feelings to me or something."

"Hehe Mrs. Donovan, it takes me much longer to confess my feelings."

"Hehehe well sometimes when you know you just know. It didn't take me long to know that I loved my ex husband or my husband now as a matter of fact."

"I've been married only once but the minute I laid my eyes on my ex wife I knew that she was going to be the one."

"See what I mean? Time means nothing in love."

"You're right I agree. However, I didn't mean anything like that. I don't want you to get thr wrong idea."

"It's okay no problem. Well, Jayden and I are going to head home. Thank you for having us."

"Of course, anytime. It was really nice seeing Jayden. I'm glad he is recovering well and I hope your foot feels better."

"Once again, thank you so much for that."

"You're very welcome. See you next time okay buddy?"

"Okay. It was so much fun here."

"I'm glad you had a good time."

"Come on Jayden, let's go. Say bye to Dr. Kollman."

"Bye doctor."

"Bye buddy."

Jayden and I said our goodbyes to Dr. Kollman and then headed to the parking lot. While we were on our way, my phone rang and it was Jake finally calling me back. I wanted to say "Where the fuck have you been?" But instead, I just calmly answered.


"Hey, sorry for getting back to you so late. My meeting was a nightmare and it ran much longer then expected. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine. We're actually just leaving the hospital."

"How was it?"

"Umm fine. I mean as fine as it could be."

"Are you okay? You sound strange."

"I'm fine. My foot is hurting a little but that's it. We'll see you when we get home okay?"

"Okay babe. I'll see you. Drive safely please."

"I will don't worry. I love you."

"I love you too."

I put Jayden in his car seat and sat in the car. As I tried to start the car, it wouldn't start. I kept trying over and over again but no luck. I couldn't get it to start no matter how much I tried. I couldn't understand what was happening because the car was working fine and we got here without a problem. This car was almost brand new so the fact that it wouldn't even start made no sense at all.

I got out of the car and opened the front to see if I could see anything. I don't really know what I was looking for when I knew as much about cars as I did about surgeries. As I put my head more in the front to check, suddenly I heard a familiar voice,

"Mrs. Donovan?? Is something wrong?"

"You scared me!"

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to. What happened?"

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