Chapter 1

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A young man with snowy white hair was roughly shoved against the smooth deep green wall of the private gymnasium. The hands on his shoulders gripped tightly, knuckles turning white from the pressure, scrunching the pink fabric. The male with varying shades of pink hair levelled an intense stare, pivoting into the dull red depths of the other male. Unlike the typical reaction to the aggressive behaviour, the white haired man remained calm; arms crossed, steady frown and balanced breaths.

"Lain," the crimson eyed blader began. "Are you going to do it or just stand there? If it's the latter then get off me and continue the training."

Lain narrowed his bright yellow eyes, breaths erratic as the impending frustration from his string of mistakes welled and roared within him. His brows knitted.

His mentor, Shu, released a heavy breath.

"Do you want to stop for today-" Shu asked but was abruptly interrupted as his mouth was claimed in a ferocious kiss.

Lain released the bruising hold on Shu's shoulders, instead placing them on the wall beside Shu's soft locks. In this position, Shu's upper back was flat on the wall as he stood stationary; not initiating nor denying anything. Shu knew this was simply used as an outlet for Lain's overbearing emotions; no romance, sincerity or strings attached.

It wasn't the first time this occurred and definitely not the second, for the two months Shu had been training Lain for, this peculiar mechanism had been recurring for the past three weeks. The amount their mouths touched in that short time exceeded the orthodox expectations. Shu has quickly implemented an enumeration of rules after the first two instances which required Lain's agreement if he wished to further use this certain method.

No physical contact would be made whilst their mouths were connected. Shu refused to actively urge or participate and would simply receive Lain's ministrations. The limit to which Shu would endure it is a full two minutes. Lain could not issue this more than twice a day unless Shu instructed or permitted otherwise. Nothing would escalate beyond activities of the mouth. If Shu states to stop, then Lain would halt immediately. They can only partake in kisses in solitary; within areas where the public is prohibited, yet also not in any personal spaces; only in the training room or deserted and locked common areas. They were the fundamental and impertinent regulations enforced by Shu which Lain had simply complied with after a haughty scoff.

Lain's tongue persistently prodded at Shu's soft, moist lips which quickly responded by going lax, opening.

Shu wasn't typically a submissive male but since the purpose of this was to diminish the harsh feelings of Lain, dominating the younger would be counterproductive and the meaning of this act would be defeated.

Of course, Shu had ensured that this was not an illegal or generally taboo ordeal; Shu was his formal coach rather than an occupational teacher, their age gap was a couple years, nothing which would arouse suspicion or concern and most importantly both participants voiced concession. The only gray area in this... relationship, was the fact they were both males, however the topic of homosexuality recently gained a substantial amount of support and was more fairly regarded therefore Shu didn't factor it in.

Lain's tongues ravished the wet and warm cavern of Shu's mouth, rubbing against his tongue and dancing freely as Lain delved deeper. Small, breathy grunts were emitted from the conqueror as the respondent upheld a quiet and undisturbed demeanour, except for the slight haze clouding his piercing half-lidded eyes. The lack of reaction stirred Lain's ire, but with the time that passed accumulating Lain's countless failures to stimulate Shu, Lain settled for the pleasure it brought rather than sweating the minuscule details.

After a minute, Lain gradually leaned away from his coach, calming his erratic breaths. Shu, untucked his arm out from the other and brought his hand up to wipe the saliva which slid down his chin with his bare hand.

"Do you want to resume training?" Shu asked in his deep, alluring voice, cool and collected as though he hadn't shared a passionate kiss with his pupil.

The thought of training recalled the boiling dissatisfaction and futility of all the faults and errors Shu had called out in his newly developed launching stance. It recalled the rush of his pressing fury. It recalled the need for...

"How long was that?" Lain lowly gruffed.

It took Shu a moment to discern the subject of the vague inquiry, then he replied diligently.

"Around one and a half minutes."

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