Chapter 6

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There was a singular metallic door which was rusting from the edges portraying its great age yet still appeared sanitary and clean. Shu released Lain's hand, and momentarily Lain missed the warmth that enclasped his palm but he hastily shoved that revolting thought down the forgotten recesses of his mind.

Shu placed his palm flat on the rough door and applied reasonable pressure causing the door to creak as it opened on it's rusty hinges.

The sight revealed a spacious balcony. It was located on the pinnacle of the sky-high Raging Bull's impressive structure. Lain had always assumed that there wasn't such a place, rather it was an inaccessible roof as that's what it appeared as from afar and no blatant passages led to here. The surface was bland, definitely possessing the minimalistic aesthetic. Yet the true enchantment was the wide view. The sky stretched on like a midnight blanket, enhancing the glimmer of the stars which scattered irreversibly across the horizon.
Lain gazed, enraptured at the lovely sight, Shu simply looked at Lain with fond eyes.

After a moment, Lain startled out of his stupor, frowning to regain his composure.

"Is this all?" Lain inquired, albeit softer than usual.

"Yes it is," Shu confirmed. "So, do you like it?"

"What use is this place to me? It's not a training facility or anything." Lain gruffed, being difficult.

"Well no, obviously it isn't." Shu said, tone a little exasperated. "However, you're welcome anytime, with or without me."

"Why?" Lain asked suspiciously, he was almost certain that Shu harbored some kind of ulterior motive.

"When I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I find that though this building is large, it is often suffocating. It's not healthy to be confined to one area for too long, so to unwind I come here. It's nice, with fresh air and serenity. I want you to have a place like that as well," Shu explained, tone so genuine Lain almost felt bad for asking. "Especially since you're also living here. Oh, but don't worry, you're the only one here that knows about this place, other than me of course."

Lain continued staring at Shu. Shu walked ahead a little, bending his upper half to lean on the silver railing, the passing breeze carrying his ethereal strands across calmly. Lain remained situated where he stood.

"You know, I also didn't know about this area. I happened to stumble upon it and now it's one of my frequent locations." The male with dull red eyes shared.
"Why didn't you know about it? Aren't you the owner?" Lain queried, suddenly intrigued.

Shu hummed thoughtfully. "While I am, I wasn't always in this position."

Lain had multiple questions swimming within his head simultaneously which he wanted to voice. Who was the owner before? Why did Shu become the owner? Isn't he too young for such a role?

"I'm sure you have many questions but that's a story for another time."

Lain snapped out of his reverie to be met with the sight of Shu's figue still perched against the rails, looking out to the dark expanse emanating a solemn and perhaps melancholic demeanor. His hair blowing beautifully revealing a clear shot of his rich orbs usually partially obscured by his lengthy fringe. The moon appeared to fancy Shu; basking him generously in it's shining light illuminating his features.

The pink haired male's body moved on it's own accord. Long, purposeful strides to Shu and without a single articulating thought, Lain tilted Shu's face to his side from chin. Lain met Shu's lips in a careful lock. Shu's eyes widened in surprise. Lain shifted his lips with closed eyes, rubbing them against Shu's yet not with an ounce of aggression. Lain didn't intrude within Shu's mouth, content with the peaceful pace he established.

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