Chapter 11

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Lain was standing before Shu's desk. His door was locked, the air stagnant and the room silent. Shu's hardened eyes were staring at Lain as the latter defiantly stared back.

Shu was all too aware that his ear was still red and sore, bite marks prominent and he loathed how it was on his left ear- the side not covered by his lopsided bangs. His right hand still felt tingly; at unease, unable to forget the slimy sort of feeling.

"Do you understand what you've done?" Shu began, steady and serious.

"Of course I do."

"There's so many things wrong with what you did," Shu heaved, exasperated and controlling a simmering anger in his tone. "How many rules did you disobey?"

"I'm sure you know," Lain shrugged off idly.

"Lain!" Shu reprimanded, "answer my question."

"Ugh," Lain grouched before listing; "one, no bodily contact. Two, two minutes. Three, public places. Four, you told me to stop."

"Yes, those are the formal agreements, but there are implied conditions also." Shu stated, his utter disappointment apparent. "Consent, for one. Also, there was never anything included about... biting or licking."

Shu felt his face combust with fire at the reminder.

"I don't see the issue, you enjoyed it. You should've seen your face, it was practically begging for mo-"

Lain didn't see Shu walk over to him rather he felt a hand clenched tightly around his shoulder, effectively stopping his words.

"Lain, don't you see what you did to me is a crime?!" Shu raised his voice, frustrated and angry at Lain's ignorance and unbridled pride. "I could arrest you. That was sexual assault!"



The word was cold and harsh.

Three days passed and Shu sent an assistant to inform his pupil that his training was postponed until next week (three more days.) In that time, Shu couldn't bring himself to face Lain. The memories from that time all too real and confronting in his mind.

And Lain was right, Shu did enjoy it- he came to terms with it just yesterday after some denial. He was still a young adult, of course touches of such nature would please Shu. But that doesn't excuse anything. The night after, Shu felt so close to tears, he didn't cry, of course. He wouldn't allow himself that, he didn't need that release.

Is everything I'm doing just a big mistake? After all this, was I just blinded by arrogance thinking I could salvage Lain...

Shu wasn't sure of himself anymore.

Shu hesitantly dialled a number he knew, he trusted. After a single ring, the receiver picked up, much to Shu's relief.

"Hey Shu!" Valt greeted, cheerily. "It's been a while huh?"

"Yeah it has," Shu agreed easily.
Talking with Valt was like  honey spilling off its comb- so natural.

"Hey... Are you free right now?" Shu questioned with uncertainty.

"Yeah sure, I can talk." Valt affirmed, "what's up?"

"It's about Lain."

"Hmm no wonder, you sounded kinda upset." Valt deduced, Shu honestly didn't think he was that transparent, but Valt had always known him for him.

"I don't know, was it really the best for me to save him? I want to, I really do. But who am I to think I can," Shu confessed, he wanted to tell Valt about the bathroom incident- he really did.

Yet, Shu was the type of person to bottle it up with a cork tighter than steel.

"Shu," Valt breathed, worried. "Did he do something?"

Valt knew that Shu wasn't the most confident and was more prone to insecurity, especially after the Redeye situation and yet something felt off.

"Yeah he did," Shu confirmed. "But, I don't wanna talk about that right now."

"I think you're doing great, but don't you think this has gone too far? I'm sure if anyone can help Lain, it's you. But be careful, set boundaries. I don't know why but I feel like you're letting him take advantage of you," Valt said, sincere and sweet.

"Yeah, probably," Shu concurred. "Thanks Valt, I needed that."

"Anytime, now I gotta go train. See ya!"


Then the line hung.


"Urgh! What's his deal?" Lain exclaimed angry- wanting, no, needing Shu, but he wasn't here.

He was running away from Lain.

And why did I do that? Whatever, Lain thought.

And with his mind on fire and body just as bothered he succumbed to the tempting call of slumber.


Three days passed and Lain failed to catch even a glimpse of Shu. It felt empty- like he was being deprived of something. Lain woke on the third day to a message from Shu on his phone to meet him at the gymnasium at noon. Whilst he was pissed he still had to wait, Lain replied with a simple 'k.'

Time flew as Lain engaged in independent beyblade practice taking short breaks to feed and care for Harry. The sun dove into the horizon and Lain immediately noticed the automatic doors slide open as the figure which plagued his dreams appeared.

Shu carefully walked to the bench and dropped himself on it without acknowledging Lain's watchful gaze. He then beckoned him over. He seemed more... withdrawn?

"I have important news to tell you." Shu announced as Lain quirked a brow.

"Well, what is it?" Lain prompted.

"First, there's a couple new rules," Lain groaned at the statement. "No bodily contact which is suggestive, and now you must seek permission and I must consent before you do it."
"Fine," Lain begrudgingly agreed, aware no protests would gain leniency.

"Also, rather than twice a day, you're only permitted once."

"What?!" He knew Shu was upset and disappointed, but he already skipped training, wasn't that enough?

"I warned you there will be repercussions," Shu settled.


"Lain, I'm not sure if you're aware but what you did to me is an act of sexual assualt," Shu stated solemnly. "I could sue you for it; it's a crime. So be glad there isn't legal action taken."


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