Chapter 4

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Whilst Lain was distracted, Shu used the opportunity to part their lips and steady his breathing slightly. Lain snapped back to reality and realized the absence of proximity and sharply turned a questioning look at Shu.

"What's wrong?" Shu asked, normally as though he was actually unaware of Lain's query.

"Why did you pull away? I know that wasn't two minutes."

"Well Lain, first of all two minutes isn't the prerequisite or anything, it's the maximum." Shu explained casually.

"You never instigate anything, but you can end it?" Lain challenged. Shu's lack of response and reaction had never failed to crawl under Lain's skin and now that he had a chance he would seize it.

"Lain, remind me what the purpose of this arrangement is?" Shu ordered, ignoring Lain's own question much to his growing discontent.

"To rid my overwhelming emotions," Lain muttered, saltily.

"Exactly right," Shu confirmed. "And from what I could see we achieved that before the two minute mark."

"Or.." Shu's eyes darkened almost threateningly. "Do you harbor other intentions for this?"

Lain huffed a noise of scorn. "What else could it be?"

"Pleasure?" Shu began, "to obtain a sense of power? To gain experience? Derive sensual gratification? Maybe to return all the hardship I give you to me? Or perhaps.." No, there's no point even deliberating that. The possibility Lain would pursue any romance is practically non-existent, especially if the person is me...

"Huh?! Like I have any interest in foolish things like that! The only thing that matters to me- that has ever mattered to me,  is my flare!" Lain exclaims, an abrupt chaotic darkness wrapping around his form.

Shu's eyes softened in worry. His frown became more neutral and his brows more loose. His face appeared both younger and older, the paradoxical look which Lain could contemplate about yet would discover no answer to satiate his wonder. His eyes would gloss in experience, wisdom and a phantom melancholy  manipulating him to emulate a more mature demeanor, much beyond his years. However, the look of worry and care twists his features to the look of simple, genuine concern like that shared for a trusted friend.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Lain inquired, he hated those looks Shu would adopt at times when Lain felt his burning flare peak. He hated how he couldn't decipher the emotion, the purpose, the meaning.

Yet that look he branded as what he figured... Condescending, as though Shu knew something Lain didn't. As if to patronize him.

Then suddenly Shu tensed slightly, shifting his facial muscles naturally. And just like that the look was perfectly erased.

Shu's usual expression is guarded, controlled and maintained. Lain also disliked it; the impersonal feel but it was far better than the last one so Lain held his tongue.

Shu raised his wrist, tugging his sleeve up lightly to unveil the expensive silver watch.

"Lain, follow me." Was all he said whilst he spun his figure and strode evenly to the door.

Lain grunted whilst abiding.

"Where are you taking me, Shu?"Lain gruffed.

"We'll see," Shu simply replied.

"Urgh!" Open, ambiguous responses were irking and meaningless as far as Lain knew. He also knew that his mentor tended to use them.

They walked along the corridor, many other pupils, members and staff smiled and greeted Shu; he was after all the CEO of the Raging Bulls. He efficiently nodded, acknowledging their presence. They took a few turns and then they stumbled upon an ordinary navy wall in a narrow and rather small walkway. There was a dividing line running down the wall with a metal plated surface in a rectangular disc located on the left.

Shu placed his left palm on the cool metal and horizontal green lights projected on his elegant hand, scanning it. After a short minute a low 'ding' of approval resounded and the wall began to dispatch and slide opposite sides in their respective slots. That revealed a singular staircase going straight up.

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