Chapter 9

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After around fifteen minutes of walking, they settled on a regular diner themed restaurant; nothing too lavish or extravagant. It was moderately busy as all places were in the populated city of New York, Shu just appreciated that the sky wasn't dark enough to be night because that was when the city people really roared to life.

An appetising aroma mingling with a mixture of savoury and sweet scents wafted around as they stepped in, eyes overwhelmed by the cool theme of blues, whites and greys.

"Just a table for two today, sir?" A chipper voice greeted them, the female worker approached them.

"Yes, thank you." Shu replied, politely, ignoring Laine's incoherent mumble of the uselessness of thanking someone for doing their job.

When the waitress was guiding them to their table, Lain noticed the quick, flustered glances she kept directing at Shu. Even when they had initially entered, it was blatantly obvious that she took quite a liking to Shu. Lain felt irritation gnawing within him which he brushed off.

Lain turned his head to Shu. He could understand why, he supposed. Shu had a lean, toned figure with an elegant grace. Silky hair, beautiful face and depthful eyes. His attire only enhanced his appearance; the stylish business outfit supplied a professional and groomed image, which was not misleading.

Lain only snapped out of his reverie, when both the young woman and Shu halted as they arrived at a grey, circular table with two chairs. On the table, a pot with two white roses and a container of serviettes was present. A nice complementary convenience.

"Just call anytime you're ready, sir!" The girl called out as she drifted away but not before suggestively eyeing Shu in a more bolder manner.

Shu nodded, then swiftly sat on a seat. Lain followed suit, raising the menu situated before him on the table. He saw Shu doing the same and for a few minutes silence consumed their atmosphere.

"Do you know what you're getting?" Shu inquired after settling his own menu down.

"Hmmm, the coffee, straight black."

"No, you just finished training. You need fuel and food which will actually give you energy." She reprimanded.

"What are you getting?" Lain snappishly demenaded.

"Just a sandwich," Shu answered simply.

"Then I'll get one too," Lain gruffed.

"Okay, I'll go order," Shu offered, leaning forward to push the chair back.

Lain's eyes intently tracked Shu's figure as he strode to the counter. He noticed the earlier waitress rush to serve the empty counter, sparing another worker from that role.

Shu disinterestedly recited their order as the girl laughed and smiled and flirted.
Her audacity, Lain thought bitterly. To flirt with someone so clearly out of her league-

He quickly brushed the thought and continued to watch with keen yellow eyes.
When Shu was walking back to their table, he raised an eyebrow at Lain's sharp gaze. He wasn't sure what warranted such intense concentration.

"What's wrong? I can change your order if that's your issue," Shu wondered aloud.

"Are you playing dense or just dumb?"

"Speak more clearly."

Lain was certain Shu knew exactly what he meant, but he begrudgingly elaborated.

"That girl's disgusting flirting."

"Why is that your business?" Shu asked, "my romantic relationships shouldn't concern you."

"Hey? Answer me," Lain demanded. But why? Why do I need to know so bad? I don't care who Shu's lover is!

"What would my acknowledgement of her advancements do? Deter her? I doubt it, it's better to just ignore," Shu explained.

"Isn't it infuriating? Humiliating?" Lain interrogated relentlessly. Or was Shu flattered? Surely not, Shu's more dignified than that.

"Here's your order, Mister?" The saccharine voice calls, placing a ceramic plate with their lunch atop on the table.

"Thank you," Shu dismisses instead.

The blatant rejection injected so much satisfaction into Lain's mood.

The waitress visibly debated before grinning once more.

"Oh, could I catch your name and number? Just a thing we're trying out for a survey!" Lain's detest for this female increased exponentially, Oh he would make sure Shu never stepped into this place again.

Then the desperate loser had the nerve to softly lay her petite hand on top of Shu's on the table. She drove her fingers into the gaps of his like a jigsaw puzzle and Lain wanted nothing more than to rip her arm off, chop it into billions of bits and feed it to Harry.

"I'm sorry, I don't have time for it," Shu declined, his voice edging with an exhausted irritation.

Shu slowly withdrew his hand to his lap.

Get the clue! Lain attempted to manifest his wish.

"Okay, but for reals, could I catch your name?" She persisted like the shallow pest she was.


"Shu?" She repeated, rolling the syllable whilst insinuating her want for his surname.

"Yes, perhaps we'll meet later." Shu said instead with a forced smile.

"Okay! See you soon Shu!" She exclaimed gleefully whilst merrily skipping off to the counter, not before running her arm across Shu's shoulder.

That was the last straw- Lain's patience had been strung out way too thin.

"Doesn't she have tasks to do other than-" Shu began to complain before his hand was yet again seized. This hand was more viscous and larger. Shu felt his body being yanked up in a startling fast motion. He was being dragged, he only registered Lain's back as he pulled them into the toilets.


"Seriously Nina?" A black haired worker exclaimed, tired. "Stop forcing yourself on him. You could see his discomfort from here."

"Whaaat? I didn't to anything wrong," She played dumb before suighing dreamily. "Honestly, he was such a hottie- pretty and handsome, how perfect. I'd kill myself if I gave up such a chance- like refusing to participate in a free lottery with a prize of a gazillion dollars! I don't know how you resisted Kris."

"One, I'm taken. Also, the guy next to him looked scary, like he'd snap your head off any second."

"Oh yeah that space case right? I don't know, I didn't really pay much attention to that other guy. I mean, next to him was a God!"

"He seemed jealous," Kris observed, blue eyes clouded with contemplation.

"I guess I am rather pretty," Nina bragged, twirling a brown curl around her finger.

"Not that! He seemed angry about you." Kris gasped, "wait?! Do you think that they're like that?"

"No way! Shu is as straight as an arrow! He has to be!" Nina wailed.

"I don't know, I think they look cute!" Kris squealed, excited to gush about this to her boyfriend later.

"Ladies! Less chatting, more working!" The shift manager commanded resolutely.

"Y-yes!" they replied in unison.

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