Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The atmosphere in the room underwent a swift transformation, shifting from a state of tranquility and serenity to one of restlessness and hostility, as soon as Edward decided to unleash his thoughts through his rather sizable mouth.

It was at this precise moment that he revealed the presence of his half-brother, Henry, within the confines of the illustrious Salvatore Mikaelson Manor. Isabel, being well aware of the potential consequences, harbored no illusions about the situation. She knew all too well that her coven, with their unwavering loyalty to their kin, would not take kindly to the presence of a stranger who had shown blatant disrespect towards one of their own.

Edward, unable to contain his astonishment, exclaimed, "Henry?"

His voice reverberated through the room, filled with a mixture of disbelief and indignation. "Isabel, what in the world is that scoundrel doing here? I demand that he be promptly escorted out!" Edward's words echoed with a forceful intensity as he directed his fury towards Isabel.

In response, Isabel cast a piercing gaze upon Edward, her eyes brimming with annoyance. A faint chuckle escaped her lips, as if she found his outburst somewhat amusing. However, her laughter was tinged with a hint of warning. "I would advise you to exercise caution before uttering another word, Edward Cullen," she retorted, her voice laced with a touch of irritation. "Especially when it comes to displaying disrespect towards any member of this esteemed coven. Let us not forget that you are but a guest within these hallowed halls.

Isabel could sense a sudden shift in the energy of the room, causing her to swiftly turn around with the agility of a vampire. And there, standing before her, was her eldest son, Damian.

A quiet expletive escaped her lips, as she humbly murmured, "Oh my."

Isabel's gaze fixated on Damian's face, which bore a grim and untamed expression. In that moment, he resembled his father, Jasper, during his most serious moments, and even his grandfather, Klaus, when he was consumed by anger.

Feeling the urgency of the situation, Isabel called out for the three strongest members of her clan, Dean, Drake, and Niels (also known as Cornelius). As their names echoed through the room, the trio promptly appeared before their clan chief, ready to assist.

"Bells, what's wrong?" Cornelius asked, his concern evident in his voice, taking his position for granted.

"Edward demanded Henry to leave  and your eldest nephew overheard," she replied to Niels, concern evident in her voice.

Cornelius turned around suddenly to look at Damien, his eyes widening as he noticed the change in color. Damien's normally blue-gray eyes had transformed into an intense shade of amber black, indicating his anger and the struggle to maintain control over his hybrid nature. It was clear that things could escalate if Damien lost control.

"Oh dear, !" Cornelius growled, his body language mirroring his frustration, reminiscent of his old Texan days when he was upset.

"What's going on?" scolded Edward, trying to understand the situation.

"Edward, please, let's not upset the entire Whitlock clan," Isabel said, her annoyance evident in her voice.

"Come on, Isabella, there's nothing these rednecks can do," Edward said, a smile playing on his lips.

Isabel couldn't believe the sheer foolishness of that boy.

Are you absolutely certain that you and Fuckward are related, Henry ?" asked Cornelius, with a hint of skepticism in his voice.

Henry chuckled and replied, "Unfortunately, biologically speaking, yes. But only half-related, if that makes you feel any better."

After taking a moment to cool down, Damien turned to his uncle and asked, "Uncle Henry, is that really you?"

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