Chapter 12.2

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After ending her phone call with Peter, Bella let out a deep sigh. She couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding, as if dark times were on the horizon. Looking up at the darkening clouds that loomed over Forks, she couldn't shake the feeling that a war of great magnitude was approaching.

If she were to be completely honest, Bella wasn't entirely sure what kind of army Maria was bringing with her. There was something inside her that whispered it wasn't just a simple army of newborns. The uncertainty weighed heavily on her mind.

Just then, Bella heard a familiar voice calling her name. She looked up and met the worried gaze of Jasper Hale, his golden eyes reflecting genuine concern.

Lost in her thoughts, Bella responded with a soft "Hmm..."

Jasper, sensing her unease, gently asked, "Is everything okay with Pete and Char?"

In that moment, Bella appreciated Jasper's concern and the comfort it brought. She knew she could rely on him for support during these uncertain times.

"They are fine, Jay, don't worry," Bella reassured him, her voice tinged with a hint of unease.

Jasper furrowed his brow, sensing that something was amiss. "But something is wrong, I can tell by the way you're acting," he replied, concern evident in his voice.

Bella forced a smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Everything is fine for the time being, Jay," she replied, her words lacking the conviction she hoped to convey.

Suddenly, the voice of Cornelius Whitlock, one of Bella's closest friends and brothers, broke the silence. "You sense something is coming, don't you?" he interjected, his tone filled with curiosity and concern.

Bella nodded, her gaze locked with Cornelius' piercing blue-grey eyes. It was as if he could see right through her, understanding the turmoil that lay beneath her composed exterior.

Jasper's voice grew deeper and more powerful as he demanded, "What is coming, Isabel?!" His eyes bore into Bella's, searching for answers that she wasn't quite ready to reveal.

Bella turned her head and locked eyes with him, a sudden realization washing over her. In that very moment, she knew that the person standing before her was not Jay, but rather Major Jasper Whitlock himself. As the first in command to Maria, he held a position of authority that demanded respect.

Isabel Mikaelson, though not intimidated by him, regarded him with caution. She couldn't help but notice that his usually golden eyes had taken on a reddish hue, a clear indication that Jay was no longer in control, but rather the major himself.

Standing by Isabel's side was her loyal second in command, Lieutenant Cornelius Whitlock. As he observed his younger brother approaching their sire, a low growl escaped his lips, a warning to Major Whitlock.

"Cornelius, stand down," Bella relayed slowly, her voice filled with a sense of authority.

"Bell..." Cornelius began, his words laced with caution.

"Cornelius Thomas Whitlock, that's an order!" Bella demanded, her tone leaving no room for argument.

With measured steps, Major Whitlock closed the distance between himself and Bella, his hand gently reaching out to touch her face. "I know you," he said, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"Yes, we have met before, on several occasions," Bella answered honestly, her words carrying a weight of truth.

Major Whitlock gazed deeply into her emerald green eyes, his mind filled with uncertainty. "Elizabeth," he murmured, his voice tinged with hesitation. Memories flooded his thoughts, recalling a time when he had known her as Elizabeth during his days with Maria. It was then that she had been undercover with the Volturi, assuming the identity of a human named Elizabeth.

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