Chapter 2

551 19 35

I apologise for being unalive, I've got way too many exams and assignments to complete </3

Stay healthy, happy and safe! I luv ya lotz <3


You all finally reach the Student Council office, where you sit by the window, at a table. The rest of the group decided to talk about random student council things.

By that, you mean Carla. Ah yes, the bullying, how hardworking she was, how insecure she was. How nobody knew that she was Ciel's sister. You didn't know either. Imagine having a best friend who you knew nothing about.

After a while, Su Jeng leaves, leaving a concerned Alex wondering if he had somehow upsetted her. 

Felix notices your dream-like state, and askes, "Are you okay?" You snap your head over, plastering a smile on your face. "Oh, I'm fine, don't worry." Inside, you did hope that someone would notice that you weren't actually okay. "Ah, all good then." Felix smiles joyfully, before dragging his best friend Leon out the office, speeding towards who knows where. 

"Well, we better follow them then." A warm voice spoke. You immediately recognised it as Charles, the "Prince of America." Technically he wasn't a prince but- "May I know... who this is?" Prince Charles gestures to you, smiling warmly. "Well, I heard Carla had a best friend, that would be you right, Y/N?" Albert askes. You perk up. "Well um- it's kinda complicated." You smile back at Albert.

"Really? How so?" He pressed. "Well um-" You started. Was it really a good idea to spill what had been going on for the past week to some strangers? Nah. 

"If she doesn't want to share, she needn't do so." Neelam saves you. You shot her a grateful look. 

"On the topic of Carla, I've heard that she's always been hardworking when it came to her work." Leon says. Neelam nods. "Yes, she always completes twice as much work as the normal student, but whenever we ask her about it, she never tells us how she does it." 

You snort. Of course she wouldn't. Why would Carla tell everyone that it was you, who did most, if not all, the paperwork? 

Damn. You seriously needed more friends. 

Drowning out all the chatter, you engross in your mind, admiring the yard around you like it was your first time seeing it. Slowly, the group makes their way to a guy with golden shiny hair. Ciel. 

"PRINCE CIEL!!!!" Felix waves his arm like a madman. "Oh, why's everyone here?" Ciel askes. "We have good news, and bad news. Which do ya wanna hear first?" Felix askes. "Good news!"

"The good news is that Prince Gion has a cold, so he can't come." 

"REALLY?" Prince Ciel lit up immediately. "HAHA! That's great news! What's the bad news?" "Well, because Prince Gion's sick, Gina's gone to look after him." Felix explains.

You could hear glass shattering in Prince Ciel's expression.

"YOU'RE ONLY TELLING ME THIS NOW?" Prince Ciel attempted to strangle Prince Felix. "Haha! See? I told you he'd go loco!" Concerningly optimistic about his situation, Felix laughed. 

"Ciel..." It was then you noticed a shorter golden haired girl at Ciel's side. "Oh! Isn't this Carla?" Felix askes. Carla hides away behind Ciel. You stood at the back of the group hiding behind the tall figures of everyone around you. 

"You're... Felix. You like bullfighting.." she stutters. You almost laugh because damn that was pathetic. You're supposed to be sad right now, but why should Carla be the reason you lose your personality? 

"Leon the bookworm... And Albert who always argues with Ciel.." she names the princes. "What about them?" Felix smiles and gestures to you and Charles.

Carla hesitates.

"I.. don't remember..." The Princes were shocked. 

"You don't remember him? He's Charles, your favourite! That's Y/N! Literally your best friend!" "No.."

"Really? You used to follow him everywhere when you were little!" "I don't remember.."

"Do you at least recognise Y/N? It's impossible that you don't." "No.."

Damn. Seriously, L best friend. "Come on Carla, we were best friends just last week- remember when you shouted at me?" You pressed. She hid back behind Ciel. "Hey, quit it!" Ciel says. "I said I don't remember!" Carla yells.

She looks at you in shock. 

"I... I have to hang up my clothes. I must return to my dorm." And with that, she runs off. Just like she did the last time you spoke to her.

"Hey.. you okay?" Charles askes you. "Yep, couldn't be better." You sarcastically replied. "I think I'll take a little walk away from all this." You turn away to walk in the opposite direction. "Let me accompany you. It's the least I could do." Albert speaks up. You nod, and you both take a relaxing walk around the school compound.

Albert chatters on, about how annoying Ciel is, about Momo's academy, about literally anything. Turns out, you have alot in common.

Carla might still hate you, but that's okay. You tell yourself the one quote you've always believed in. Might sound cringe, but she's lost someone who appreciated her. You, on the other hand, have only lost someone who doesn't appreciate you.

With that, you continue chatting with Albert.


I tried :(

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