Chapter 27

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I realized there was only a little bit of K28 left, so I'll finish up with that bit in this chapter and the next chapter will be K29 :D (I'll try to post quicker cuz ya) It's super short but I promise I'm already half-done with the next chapter so it's fine TRUST!!!

Luv you guys <333


2nd POV:

Finally, the week passed, and you were let out of the dorm. Not that you didn't enjoy spending your days with Livio and Prince Shintarou (though he never really said anything), but the dorm was sure getting boring.

Oh, right! There had been an important update in your housing issue- Lilian had called the day before, and informed you that she had the keys to your shared house! 

The two of you agreed that after you got out of quarantine, you would move to the new cottage. Well, it wasn't that big of a house, or that luxurious, but you didn't have a choice if you were broke, right? It was located in the north of Momosu Island, a 15-minute walk from the academy. 

You might need some help bringing everything over, though, there wasn't any point getting moving vans or hiring people as the distance wasn't that far and you didn't have that much stuff. Instead, you decided to ask your big brother Livio to help you with it. 

"Livio!!" You burst into his room and saw him getting ready to leave. He wore a mask and gloves, along with a grey hoodie. "Y/N, can I help you?" Livio smiled warmly at you and ruffled your hair. "Yeah- so you see..."

You felt a little bad for having to ask Livio for such a thing, but it wasn't as if you could carry everything over by yourself, and Livio would definitely be more than willing to help you out. "Lilian confirmed that she finally got the keys to our shared house, so I'll be moving out of your dorm as soon as possible." 

"Huh?" He smiled. "Don't you wanna stay a little longer? We won't mind it in the slightest." "That's okay, I think it's best if I help Lilian out anyway. I was just wondering if... you didn't mind helping me carry a little bit of my things?"

Livio cups your cheeks adoringly. "Aww~ Of course I will! You don't even have to ask!" He places a hand under his chin. "Ah, but Prince Gion has requested that I help him out with something, so it will have to wait." 

You nodded and Livio waved, about to leave the dorm. Suddenly, you had an idea. "WAIT!" The silver-haired lad stopped in his tracks. "?" "Could I help? It's the least I could do." You offered with puppy-dog eyes. "Uh...." Livio scratched his head awkwardly. "This..."

Won't she find out?


"...Alright." He agreed, gesturing for you to follow him. The two of you put on some masks and gloves, and made your way over to the Student Council office. You typed the password into the keypad, only for it to make a buzzing sound and flash red instead of the usual green.

"Eh?" You try again, but the results were the same, the door was stubbornly shut. "Oh, Prince Shintarou changed the passcode for the locks, uh- because Prince Gion suspects that he contracted the virus from some of the documents in the office."

"I see..."  You stepped aside for Livio to key in the updated passcode, and both of you enter the office. "Let's see here..." He opens the drawer on Gion's desk and grabs a stack of notes, as well as a notebook.

"Oh, isn't that the notebook that I used to write down all of Prince Ciel and the others' movements?" You pointed out. "Yeah, Prince Gion told me to have it burned, though. Sorry about your hard work." 

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