Chapter 30

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2nd POV:


Principal Evan scowled, glaring at the ginger man in front of him. "Aw, but we can have dinner and talk about old times!"

Hatt Powell glanced at Evan's clothing of choice. "Hey, isn't it too early to be wearing pyjamas?" This only made the principal more agitated. "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!"

"Go away!" He said, crossing his arms. "And I'll dress however I please!" But Hatt didn't pay him any attention, holding his cat in one hand and pulling his luggage along with the other, he strolled into the house.


"Come on, it'll only be for a week. Do it for our school...!" A timid voice said, and Evan's anger towards Hatt was quickly redirected. "Whose idea was this?"

You sweat-dropped as President Alexis looked down at his feet in fear. Mr. Godfreg stood to his right while you and Gion to his left.

Now you may be wondering, why were you present for this... conversation? Well, you have no clue either.




Livio tapped your shoulder just as you were about to leave the academy. "Oh hey Livio, what's up?" You smiled up at him.

"Ah.. I have a favour to ask of you, Y/N." He scratched the back of his head nervously. "Prince Gion's going with Alexis to convince Principal Evan of his plan later tonight. He says he might need me present, just in case something important happens, but I don't think I can make it."

"So... do you want me to go instead?" You asked. Whatever Livio needed help with, you'd definitely be willing to help him, he's one of your closest friends, after all. "Yes... but only if it's not too much trouble!"

"Don't worry, no trouble at all! Tell him I'll be there, okay?" Livio nodded, with a smile that seemed happier than the ones he usually had, and bade you goodbye.



Hmm, yeah that's about it.

Though Livio must've forgotten to tell Prince Gion, because he seemed surprised that you were there. "Y/N..?" Prince Gion muttered when you waved to him. "What are you doing here? Only Alexis and I are required to be present."

"Yeah, but Livio said you needed some help or something, and he asked me to replace him because he couldn't make it?" You explained yourself, a bit confused.

Prince Gion paused, gears turning in his head. Then, he came to a realisation and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Haah... that Livio."

He looked back up at you. "Just... stick close to me and don't say anything out of line. I have a feeling this mightn't go so well." You nodded, and followed behind him.

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