Chapter 17

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hiiii sorry for not update for like 13 days is it still considered updating regularly lol

This is a short happier chapter before i upload another emo one on my oneshot book HAHA I have so many ideas >:) 

I hope you stay healthy, happy and safe! I love ya lots :D


2nd POV:

On the table were the most delicious food you've seen, at least the most delicious in the past few days. Perhaps an exaggeration, but it was true that even the plain eggs tasted like the best thing ever.

"GUAAAAYYYY!!!" Felix was practically drooling at the sight of said food, along with Ciel. "Am I dreaming? Is this breakfast ours?" "It looks delicious!"

"Is this really for us? Thank you so much!" Alexis nodded politely, while you and Ciel dramatically wipe your tears away. "After so long without food, plain rice is a luxury!" 

"You exaggerate..." Prince Uthman says, humble as he was, "It's just simple fair."

Albert was not interested in the food, but rather in the robe he was wearing. "Incredible! The temperature here is 40c to 50c, but in this robe, I don't feel hot at all!" Leon nodded, "These robes, called thobes, are worn by the Arabs to protect them from direct sunlight. As they are loose, air can enter and cool the wearer." "No wonder these people are comfortable in the desert!" "Saudi Arabians are geniuses!" 

Charles nudged you on the shoulder. "Hey um- what's 40c and 50c in Fahrenheit?" You deadpan at the American. "So American of you to ask." You sigh. "That would be 104f to 122f."  He scratches the back of his head a pulls a silly smile.

"I hope you don't mind the over excitement." He tells Prince Uthman. "We really thought we'd never escape the desert, now that we're safe, we're overjoyed." "I understand." Prince Uthman says. "Even those of us who grew up here fear the desert. What more foreigners... it's amazing that you made it for two days on so little supplies. You've done well."

"Indeed!" Ciel shouts, his mouth stuffed with food, causing an unsightly sight. "This desert is treacherous! Luckily, I ad extraordinary strength and willpower." "Didn't we collapse like twice or three times during the entire ordeal?" You took the words from Albert's mouth.

"I was resting!!! It's natural to take breaks when tired!" Ciel defends himself.

Leon remembered your misadventures, and comments. "There's something mysterious about this desert! We kept a straight path, but somehow returned to our starting position!" Alexis nods. "We also saw lakes, but they disappeared whenever we approached! This happened more than once!" 

"Perhaps we were cursed-" You shudder at the thought.

Ciel was as frightened as you were. "I heard that seeing incredible visions are a sign death is approaching." You and Felix were equally panicked. "What?! We're gonna die soon?!" Felix shouts. "I've got so much to live for! Nooo~" You dramatically sobbed.

 Alexis was in denial. "Seriously? I'm sure it can happen even when we're tired." While Leon was going through his shower thoughts. "Do we approach death, or does it approach us?" Only Charles sat calmly. "Calm down, y'all."

Still, Prince Ciel and Felix grabbed Prince Uthman by the shoulder. "Prince Uthman! This place is dangerous! Let's leave!" "Yes! It's not safe here! Come back with us!" You winced. Imagine telling a Prince that his country isn't safe to be in.

Prince Uthman was startled by their actions, before smiling warmly. "Relax. Your 'visions' are neither a curse nor a sign of death. Please sit down. I'll explain. Ever heard of a mirage?"

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