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This part of writing is similar to the "Show, don't tell" rule.
To enhance your writing, you must, first off, describe instead of stating, but also use interesting ways to do so.
Instead of using basic words such as mad, sad, bad, good, etc... you can use some which are more sophisticated. A thesaurus may help you with that.
The way I find new words is by reading classical literature from the mid-1800s. For example, Jane Eyre. I have around 10 pages of words with their definition jotted down, all found from that one book. Ever since I've read it, my writing has improved.

The key doesn't only revolve around words, however, but also phrases.
Using figurative language can make your writing more interesting.
For example:
1.She looked at me.
2.Her (colour) orbs glanced over at me.
Not only did I replace "eyes" with "orbs" and "looked" with "glanced", but I also used personification.
If you slide in phrases such as this one, your writing will become more sophisticated, and you will gain more respect and gratitude from you readers.

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