His Insanity

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(GIF is from the Friday Night Funkin: Mario's Madness Mod).

Mario picked up SMG4's unconscious body, and placed him on the couch.

Mario: It's not your fault, SMG4, nor mine. It's THEIR fault.

Mario points out towards the window to the residents of Inkopolis.

Mario: I'll murder, every, single, one of them. I'll go for Killer Ink next.

SMG4 slowly wakes up.

SMG4: A..at least l..let me h..help y..you. We c..can make th..them suffer to..gether.

Mario: No, SMG4, you need to rest. In fact, I'll call an ambulance for you.

Mario calls an ambulance, and as soon as he hangs up, an ambulance shows up. Because SMG4 logic.

Mario: Make sure he survives.

Ambulance Driver: Don't worry, well make sure his last breath isn't today.

SMG4 is carried on to the stretcher and driven to the hospital.

Mario: Time to begin the bloodshed! =)

Mario had a lot of choices to choose from. And by choices, I mean victims.

Mario: So many souls to mutilate, so little time.

He then looks towards Y O U !

Mario: Wouldn't you agree, reader?

(A/N: Sorry, couldn't help myself).

Mario turns toward an inkling walking towards him.

Inkling: Mario? What were you doing in Meggy's house? I saw SMG4 go in there a few minutes ago, talking about making sure you and Meggy were ok. I hope she's not.

Mario: Don't worry, she committed suicide.

Inkling: Good.

Mario: I need to show you something cool. Can you follow me for a minute, please?

Inkling: Uhh... ok.

Mario then proceeded to walk toward an alleyway with a dead end. Along the way, the Inkling proceeded to ask-

Inkling: sooo, what's with the white eyes? And the impossibly wide smile? And the violent shaking?

Mario: Intense emotions. Mostly hatred.

They finally arrived to the alleyway.

Inkling: Hatred? Towards who?

Mario: People like YOU!

Mario proceeded to tear the Inkling's face off.


Mario: Your screams of agony are delicious.

Mario then plunged a serated knife into his stomach.


(A/N: I need to work on my agony screams. These screams are cliché).

Mario: This is YOUR fault!

Inkling: W..hat h..ave I d..one...?

Mario: You assholes are the reason why Meggy is dead, and why I'm suffering.

Inkling: s...he st..i...ll de...s..erv...ed i..t.

Those were the Inkling's last words, as he stopped breathing soon after.


Mario ripped the Inkling's intestines out, and used it as a noose.

(A/N: I'm not sure if squids have intestines, if not, don't ask, just go with it).

Mario's smile grew wider. So wide it grew literally ear to ear.

His face turned into a state where his eyes turned black with white pupils.

He finished with the dead, mutilated corpse of an inkling, hanging by a low pole with his face ripped off, a knife in his stomach, and hanged by a noose made by his own intestines.
(A/N: Hehe suicide mouse reference go brrrrrr)

His face was covered in blood with it pouring out of his eyes, and through his teeth.

His clothes, too, had more red than blue on it.

Mario: One down, countless to go. This is going to be lots of fun.

Mario walked out of the alleyway with blood on his clothes, face, and hands.

Everyone saw Mario, his eyes twitching from all the fun he just had in that alleyway.

They were all creeped out at his face, and the blood, and the random screaming coming from the alley.

They all started screaming when Mario took out two M134 miniguns. He started shooting at the screaming, running crowd.

One by one, bodies were falling like dominoes.

Mario just cackled at the screams of agony everyone made as they were bomblitzed with bullets coming at them at 6,000 RPM.

(A/N: feel free to correct me on how fast bullets can really travel).

As Mario ran out of bullets, he just looked at what he caused.


Bodies were everywhere.

Little to no one survived that massacre as they had nowhere to run before he started shooting.

Mario looked towards the Inkopolis tower, as the Jumbotron came on. Marie and Callie were on screen, both having worried faces.

Callie: Hold on to your tentacles...

Marie: It's Inkopolis News time!

Callie: This is an Emergency Alert System Broadcast.

Marie: We are now issuing a Civil Danger Warning for all of Inkopolis.

Callie: Anyone that is outside of the Inkopolis Plaza district, please, do not enter that location.

Marie: At approximately 4:01 PM, a person was found shooting residents inside Inkopolis Square with two Splatling-like weapons. Everyone in the area died on the spot.

Callie: We have details on the killer is.

Marie and Callie froze at what the details were.

Marie: No...

Callie: It can't be, the killer is Mario.

Marie: Residents of Inkopolis, if you see Mario, Run away, and call 911. Anyone not in Mario's presence, please stay inside, lock all doors and windows, and do not come outside until further notice.

Callie: Mario, if you're watching this, (A/N: which he was) please don't do this. We're your friends.

Marie: That's it for now, until next time...

They both begin to do the iconic pose, still with scared faces.

Marie/Callie: STAY FREEESH!

The TV turns off.

Mario: (now with a demonic voice) Heheheheh. It looks like they know I murdered them.

Mario then remembers that it was THEM who uttered the words "TEAM KILLER INK" when they were at the splatfest.

Mario: Y'know...

I could go for some Calamari right now! =D

(Get it? Because their names sound eerily similar to Calamari. Next ones gonna be called called His Starvation, and I'm pretty sure you know what'll happen in the next one. See ya there)

(Note: I do not hate the squid sisters, I'm doing this for entertainment purposes only. Please don't take this seriously).

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